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How do I even describe what was in that basket..

Ok I've decided that I'll just say it bluntly. Inside the basket their was a vibrator, pink sparkly dildo, another dildo this time it was much bigger and was a dark blue color. A gag was also in the basket.. only the gag was another dildo which was long aswell. A pair of handcuffs and rope where also in the basket, along with the note with a phone number on it.

Where does one even get this stuff without anyone questioning them? And oh my this is very unholy.

How did this even get in here..? They would of have to climb inside my window.. I turned to my windows and shivered as I imagined some old man climbing through it with a basket of unholy objects.

I was still a virgin and no way in hell was I about to use a dildo to take it.

I looked back at the note that was in my hand and walked over to my phone.

Time to figure out who this creep is.

I opened my contacts and I decided to text the person instead of calling, I was afraid of who would pick up if I did.
(Text messages below)
I decided to act normal, I mean it could have been a prank and it was some old grandmas number.

Y/n: Hello? Who's this?

??: Did you like my gifts..?

Yep... definitely the same old creep who gave me it.

Y/n: I would not consider them gifts, it was more so creepy. Anyways who are you, and how did you even get in my house..?

??: Oh but you never lock them? How could I stay away from you..

My eyes widened as I read that text, I had no longer felt safe in my house.

I began to type out "please leave me al-" I saw a picture being uploaded and when it finally loaded, my jaw dropped.



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(Imagine him however you want your dream ghostface to be, this was just a base line)

??: Your just... to die for.

Oh. My. God. I know this dude snuck into my house and gave me a basket full of.. yeah but, he is smoking hot. It took ever earge in my body to not send him a bunch of "bark bark bark grrr woof, I can be your dog" because I would get on all 4's for this dude in a heartbeat.

??: Now listen to what I say and do exaclty as I say.

Y/n: Why would I do that?
I would do anything for this dude but I'm not that easy to get.

??: I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week.

Y/n: HA! You wish, your small shrimp couldn't do a thing.

??: Oh...? Wanna test that out?

AWOOOGAAAAA, god this man knew all my weak points somehow.

??: Now, get my gifts out.

I looked up at the basket which had been lying on my bed for a solid hour.

Y/n: Which one? You gave me like 10 dumbass

??: Just a reminder I know where you live.

Y/n: Yeah yeah, what do you want me to with this?

??: I think it's quite obvious what I want from you..

Y/n: I began to type again as another picture appeared.

(Sorry I'm keeping my poor Google searches clean.. somewhat clean so no picture)

With the camera angle pointing to his stomach down I was able to see those luscious abs and his hard dick bulging in his underwear.

??: Look how hard I've gotten just imagining you with that dildo moaning as you thrust it into your sweet juicy pussy.

My knees began to feel weak laying on my bed and I realized I was actually.. beginning to get wet?

I had reached for the basket and I pulled out the vibrator. Am I really going to do this? I don't know this guy.. hes super hot though. I had some urge to do whatever he said for some ungodly reason.

Y/n: No I'm not going to masturbate with your sex toys you gave to me. And how did you even get them?? Like who buys a bunch of dildos and no one notices or cares? You must be some really sick fuck to hand those to a girl, not even face to face either, talk about a bad first impression.

I was kinda afraid of myself that I let my guard down to this guy I had never even met.

Y/n: Alright dude I'm going to bed, leave me the fuck alone.

I was left on read, of course he couldn't even muster up the courage to even text me, pussy. I pulled my blanket up to my shoulders and stared the ceiling till I fell asleep.

In the middle of the night I woken up to a knock on my window right besides my bed.

(This is kinda short and was kinda rushed sorry.  I kinda like the personality that was given to y/n and if it doesnt suit you I'm sorry <3 

Half of my views are more towards my kinky writing so I don't want to pointlessly writing a storyline but if some people actually want me to write a storyline then I will :) .

Until I get feedback from people I am just going to take a break from writing.  I would like to know how some people feel about my writing so please say something <3)

Ghost Face x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now