The One I Wanted

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I walked into the classroom and saw y/n sitting at the desk besides mine. I wonder how she would react if she knew that I just jacked off to a picture of her thighs about 10 minutes ago.

I have never actually talked to y/n before, I can't seem to work up the courage to look at her in the eyes. Everytime I look into them I get lost in her warm autumn brown eyes.

He sets down his stuff and pulls out the homework from last night.

Y/n glances over at the paper and her eyes widen and she sighs.

Hearing her sigh so close to me made me think of all the naughty things I would do to her~ Y/n has no idea how much she could impact me with just a single touch..

Class went on for another 40 minutes before the bell rang and we all left to go our separate ways.

I still couldn't muster up the courage to talk to y/n. For god sakes I've liked her since we were in 5th grade and we are now in 11th.

The last bell rang and I headed to my English class, I had to make up work for all my days absent.

During class I felt the urge again, I had, had these urges since I was a child. They would never go away even with pills I would take.

Last year was the year I listened to those dark thoughts.

"Kill them.." the thought was in the back of my mind slowly making it's way to the front.

I had given in and I killed somebody. I'd had always grown up knowing I was.. different. I never really fit it and it wasn't until I met y/n that I felt at home. I still remember the day like it was yesterday.

It was 5th grade, at recess I had been swinging on the swing, as one does, and I was pushed off and I fell and broke my arm. I was very fragile, next thing I knew, y/n was standing over me as I laid on the ground asking me if I was ok. Once I had come to the realization that my arm was broken I got up and walked to the teacher who supervised us and proceeded to ask if I could go to the nurse. I did not cry.. once, strange right?

Y/n sat in shock as I got up and asked, I hadn't paid much attention to her at the time.

I went to the hospital and got my arm in a cast and went home for the rest of the day. The next day y/n walked up to me, "Dude, why weren't you balling your eyes out yesterday?". I was confused she was talking to me, I had always been an outcast.

"I don't know guess It didn't hurt as much as it looked". She looked at him with a concerning face.

That's when two boys came up to me and started making fun of me.

??? - " I bet if I broke his other arm in his body he wouldn't cry either!". The other boys all laughed and gestured a bone breaking. I rolled my eyes and continued to watch in unamusement.

One boy then got closer to my face.

"You wanna fight about it loser, huh?".

I began to walk away and he stopped me throwing a fist at my face. I was so helpless back then I laid on the ground, crying, letting them beat me up. Suddenly she appeared.

She threw a punch and landed it square on his face. His nose began to bleed and he started crying. He ran to the nurse to get help I'm assuming. Another boy threw a punch at her in her stomach causing her to loose her breath for a second. The same boy who threw a punch at her had begun to realize what he was doing and was probably going to get in trouble and ran away aswell.

One popular boy, one girl, one beaten up boy, all on the concrete waiting for whoever took the next move.

She charged at him and kicked him in the groin. I cringed and looked away imaging her kicking mine aswell. He cupped his hands around his private area and fell to the ground, both crying and stunned.

"You alright?" She exclaimed.

"I-I-m fine..". I had never liked anyone till that moment. I knew that she was the one  and I was going to do anything to get her.

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