The Cost of Concordia (Internet Historian)

Start from the beginning

Selkie: I remember my Dad doing that when he used to be in the Navy

scotino the captain comes into the
dining hall with the lady
dominica morton remember this face
because you'll be seeing a lot of it
later scitino eats his dinner with her
and socializes for a little while
then he dominica and the maitre d finish
up and excuse themselves
they're heading to the bridge it's time
for that sail by salute this time
they're going to get closer than ever
just 1500 feet
from the island of gilio and how are
they going to determine this distance
well of course the captain is going to
eyeball it apparently it's not an
uncommon thing to do
scitino turns to the fella steering his
jacob ruslieben
first interestin­g tidbit costa crochet
has hired jacob from indonesia
at a rock bottom price and he's a bit of
a newbie to the job
in fact his profession hitherto a
and a cleaner it's his first time
steering a massive ship
and he's very excited at least we think
he is
it's hard to tell because he doesn't
speak english or italian very well at

Katsuma: Well, that's a problem

Off to a good start the second in
command orders the helmsman to

Some People: What

Now don't be confused by these
numbers they're just the degrees on a

Some People: Oh

At the same time the captain whips out
his cell phone and calls former captain
mario palumbo who lives on the island
they chat about the safe distance to
jillio's shores
it's all very casual anyway mario says
that the safe distance is between 0.3
and 0.4 miles from shore the captain
is going all in

One For All: What

This is not his first
sail by salute
so he's confident in what he's doing


we're going closer than we've ever
been before the captain's eyeballing it
hmm new heading of 300 he tells the
downstairs martin is about to cut his
assistant in half
and of course that means that there's
already a lady inside this box
she's waiting for the q and then she'll
poke her legs out
the captain is giving more orders
pulling gently to 310
increase speed to 16 knots going this
is going to be a fatal error but before
we talk about that
let's talk about another big problem
language barrier
because at this point the captain says
three two five
but the helmsman relays three fifteen so
the first officer intervenes
and he goes no no no three three five
which is also wrong
and then the captain clarifies no three
two five
the helmsman confirms three two five
their poor communicat­ion has them moving
at a much
wider angle than they think they are
the captain should and would know this
for the next problem complacenc­y about
the standard procedure of a ship this
large is for the third officer to give
exact positional coordinate­s every time
the captain gives a new directiona­l
but they're not doing that 3 30 he says
the helmsman relays 3 30. the ship
reaches 16 knots
the captain then turns to the second
officer and instructs him to go to the
left wing
that's these things here and they
basically exist so you can get a better
view over the whole vessel
a few seconds pass and then
the mood starts to turn scitino notices
white foam of waves breaking against the
directly in front of him in the distance
the costa concordia right now is almost
700 meters closer to the rocks than it
should be
without deviation there is going to be a
collision oh [ __ ] scotino immediatel­y
commands the ship to start turning away
335 not enough the captain shouts
340. the captain yells 350.
now remember how i said that
accelerati­ng to 16 knots was a fatal
well that's because it's made this ship
incapable of such a drastic turn
what they've got is understood here's an
the front end is not working you're
turning turning turning and you're just
going straight you want to go over here
but you're going to end up over here
so despite the order of 350 right now
the bow is still only pointing at
327 not nearly enough to miss the rock
and oh no it's about to get worse that
language barrier again
in these critical moments where every
second counts the helsmann
wrongly relays 340. the captain snaps
350 starboard or we end up on the rocks
the third officer goes to assist the
now don't get confused by the orders
from here we're changing over to rudder
the captain yells starboard 10 starboard
and still it's not enough hard to starve
it that means as hard as it'll go
but at this point even if they clear
these rocks
they need to get the rest of the ship to
swing around it
so the captain yells midship which
centers the rubber
the bow is now less than 150 meters from
skull rock
poor 10 but the helmsman only gets to
4-5 before another order is given two
seconds later
to port 20 they might just avoid
disaster here maybe
but then oh no one more time the
helmsman [ __ ] up at the
worst possible moment the helmsman
goes to starboard instead of port
undoing the swing

MHA/BNHA Reacts to Bizarre Things by Owen Clanboy Jr.Where stories live. Discover now