Chapter 5. Polaroids.

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I immediately ran out of the room and dashed home. I ran for so long until.. "JEFF!!!" I said as I slammed the door open. He was sitting on the couch drenched in blood. "I will take that as a 'thank you'." He said smugly " WHAT THE FUCK?!? I DIDN'T ASK FOR THAT!" I screamed "but you wanted me to do it didnt you." I paused. "Didnt you like seeing somone who hurt you brutally murdered? Admit it, you like having him dead.".... " if I like that he's dead, it's better if you don't kill anybody i know. It draws attention to both of us. What you did was insanely risky. And what about those three students?" I said "oh the kids? They were just witnesses, we don't need anyone giving a description of me, or what I did. And yes I know how risky it was to murder him in between classes, but it was well deserved." He said

"Why did you kill him anyway?" I said "you know damn well-" he said as i cut him off "yes. I know, I know. But why. If he lived or died didn't affect you in any way. It only affected me. So why did you care enough to kill him?" I said "well..I felt like it." He said, obviously lying. "Fine...keep your silence. I will find out one way or the other." I said, I could tell I was starting to piss him off so I just sat on the floor with bella. Jeff was watching the news of what he did, feeling proud.

~time skip paid for by Jeff's brother issues~

(9:30 P.M.)
Jeff fell asleep on the couch. I walked up to my room to go to bed. I saw that Jeff had set up a bed for himself on the ground. I saw he had a bag next to it. He must have brought it while I wasn't home. Was it his personal belongings? Time to snoop. It was for my own good, for all I know he could have a dead body in it. I opened it to see a video camera, a few knifes, Mace, a Polaroid camera, a small first aid kit, a flash drive, few piece of jewelry i assumed he stole of of victims bodies (due to the blood stains) and....a small box labeled 'Polaroids'. what would he want pictures of. Weird. I opened the box and was faced with the back side of the Polaroids. That's when I thought about it. What if they're just pictures of his past.. 'accomplishments'..if you know what i mean. I didn't want to see any more dead people today.

But..I wanted to know. God my curiosity was KILLING me.. I went with my gut and turned over the Polaroid. What I saw scared the ever loving shit out of me. I dropped the Polaroid's all over the floor and stared at them in horror.

They were all photos of me.

Some of them were of me at school, some of me at home. Some of me out with friends...some of me sleeping. What the fuck. Why did he have these. Was he watching me? How long had he been watching me? Why didn't he tell me? If he was watching me for so long, why would he try to kill me? How have I not seen him? I looked carefully at the pictures. They all have dates and addresses on them. The farthest date I could find was from 8 months ago. Has this creep been watching me that long?  What were his true intentions with me... i started to shake a little. I took a few steps backwards.

Suddenly I felt two arms hug me from behind. "It wasn't supposed to happen like this..." a frightfully familiar voice said. "What the fuck do you want from me.." i said in fear. "I want you to go to sleep.."

Then everything went black...

( i know, i know. Cliff hanger. Don't hate me. Chapter 6 is in the works~)

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