Chapter 25

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Sitting in the hospital waiting room, the nurses cleaned the blood off of Kaiya and she's just sitting there not talking. Rindou was sitting next to her for comfort but didn't know what to do to help her.

"Kaiya!!" Said Senju running with Draken towards her. Kaiya continued looking at nothing, she started mumbling something to herself.

"She's not well right now. Her family just got killed." Said Rindou angrily.

"They just told me the news" Takemitchi said walking over to Kaiya, Rin, Ran, Draken and Senju.

Kaiya looked up at him with no hope. "They're gone." He said tearing up.

No one knew how she would react, but like a normal person she started to cry. "Who..who did
this?!" She said crying. Rindou was right next to her, a shoulder to cry on; he grabbed her and moved her head on his shoulder.

"I found some information-

"Takemitchi not now." Draken interrupted.

"No! No please tell me." Kaiya said wiping her tears and sitting up.

"Rokuhara Tandai did this. South asked Wakasa to join and he declined so they targeted his girlfriends family." Takemitchi said.

"What?" Rindou said standing up. "South did this?" Rin said getting upset. Ran holds him back. "That motherfucker I'll kill him myself." Rin said.

"There's no need to get this upset." Senju said to Rindou.

"Huh?!" He said. "You're in Rokuhara. You're our enemy. Did you want to drag out Kaiya from her home so you guys could attack her family?!" Senju said yelling.

"You fucking bitch how could you say that, who the fuck do you think I am?! I'd never do anything like that!" Rin said yelling.

"Don't accuse us of something like that." Ran said letting Rin go.

"Senju you cant just assume that." Draken said.

Kaiya stands up causing everyones attention to fall on her. "No...Rindou didn't do this." She said quietly.

"I'm going to kill south for what he did." She said.

"Everyone needs to relax." Takemitchi said pinching his forehead.

"HOW COULD I RELAX?!" kaiya said yelling. Rindou covers her mouth and holds her against his chest.

"Shut up for a second." He said.

"I don't accept the way South does his work, Ran and I will deal with him but internally." He said letting Kaiya go.

"We need to stop associating then. We can't be seen hanging with the enemy." Senju said crossing her arms.

"That's fine." Ran said but Rin wasn't happy with that, his eyes fell on Kaiya.

"Takemitchi can I talk to you." Kaiya says grabbing him and taking him to the end of the room.

"Faith is faith.. we can't change what is meant to happen." She said to him.

"That's not true.. we can make it work. We can save them I know it!" He said being optimistic.

"No Takemitchi. My family is dead and Rindou is falling for me. It's faith! There's nothing we can do! Mikey will die so will Sanzu." She said whispering loudly.

"We won't know until we try." He said.

"You've been trying all this time but what changed?!" She said.

Takemitchi just stayed silent.

"The past never forgets." Kaiya said walking away.

"Hey where are you going?" Draken runs up to Kaiya and asks.

"I need some alone time. Going through this a second time doesn't feel good but what I don't understand is why did this happen before May 30th?" She questioned.

"We just came back into the past and haven't changed anything? Is there another time leaper?" Kaiya asks looking at both Draken and Takemitchi.

"For a long time I had a person in mind but my intuition was incorrect. But if we were able to come back to the future then I'm sure other people could do the same thing." Takemitchi explained.

"How do we find out?" Kaiya asked.

"If there was another time leaper then they must've felt you guys come back." Draken added.

"Something feels off. But I have an idea." Kaiya says.

"Let's go meet Mikey." She says.

"Are you insane?" Takemitchi said. "What's wrong with that?"

"He'll kill you. He doesn't even know who you are here." Draken said.

"I don't think he will." She said. "There's no possible way to meet him anyways, we've tried for years but he's always gone. We'll see him on the big fight." Draken sighed.

Suddenly Rindou popped up. "Kaiya let's go on a walk." He said pulling her with him.

"Uh! I can walk myself." She said pulling away and walking next to him.

Senju was watching silently.

"So you've come Takemitchi and Kaiya." said Mikey while finishing up the beating he gave to 50 men.


"Kaiya" Rindou said.

"You're getting awfully familiar we just met today." She said giggling.

"I told you I feel like I've known you for a while." He said hitting the back of her head lightly to make her stop laughing.

"Anyways.... I don't want to stop seeing you." He said putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm flattered. I'd like to see you often but let's think about that after the fight." She said holding her hands behind her back.

"That's in 2 weeks." He said pouting. "Are you pouting?!" Kaiya said smiling.

"Of course not idiot. I'm just worried, something terrible just happened to you." He said.

"I'll cope. What's more important right now is... where is Wakasa?" She said looking up.

"Why did he not break up with my sister to keep her safe? Was he plotting this?" She said walking.

"How could I ever do something so terrible." said a familiar voice behind the couple.

"Huh?" Rindou said looking back.

"Waka?!" Kaiya said getting furious.

"I'll fucking kill you." Rin said but Kaiya held him back. "No Rin.. I'll kill him!" She says running up to Wakasa and punching him in the face and hitting his chest.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" She yells at him. Rindou sees the pain in Wakasa's eyes, after a minute he grabs Kai and holds her back.

"Kaiya..i didn't want this." He says. Kaiya just stays silent.. tears fall down her face again.

"I tried to end it with her! I told her it'll be dangerous now that I declined South. I even stopped seeing her and telling people that we broke up. I tried everything...I watched over your guyses home and Aoi's work to see if anything would happen. But today when I saw you running out I thought something was wrong so I followed you.. when I came back.. she was gone. The love of my life was dead." He said tearing up but turning around.

"Waka..I..I'm sorry." Kaiya says looking down.

"Don't apologize it's my fault. I'll see you around Kai." Said Waka walking away.

Kaiya hugs Rindou feeling his warmth. She doesn't know what to do.

To Be Continued.

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