chapter 3: quidditch

Bắt đầu từ đầu

A few hours later, when they're done and have said goodbye to each other, Sarah is walking back to the Slytherin common room by herself. Cedric is on his way to Dumbledore's office and he told her to at least try to catch some sleep. And Draco Malfoy left awhile ago after almost falling asleep in the sky.

Sarah walks through the common room and opens the door to her dormitory.
"Peters? Is that you?" she hears Eve asking from her bed.
"You're still sleeping?" Sarah responds and turns the lamp in the ceiling on.

"What are you doing?" Cherry mumbles from her corner. "It's a Sunday."
"You guys are lazy." Sarah sighs and lays down next to Eve in Eve's bed.
"Have you been working out? You smell." Eve mumbles into her pillow.
"Yes." Sarah chuckles.

"Leaveeee." she grunts and pushes Sarah out of the the bed so that she lands on the floor.
"What are the two of you doing?" Cherry wonders and sits up. "Go take a shower Peters."
"I want to sleep too." Sarah sighs, still laying on the floor. "I haven't slept in... I don't even know how many hours."

"What are you taking about?" Eve asks and rolls over in her bed.
"I never fell asleep last night, and then I eventually went to play quidditch instead, and then I had breakfast and continued playing quidditch."
"You're mad." Cherry laughs. "Who did you even play with? Just you?"

After hearing the sudden question Sarah sits up, still on the floor. She glares at Cherry who frowns back.
"What? Who was it?" Eve says when Nobody says anything.
"Fine. Okay so... hrm..." Sarah begins. "He couldn't sleep either, and he's on the team and we both were in the common room sooooo..."

"Who?" Even interrupts.
"Malfoy." Sarah blurts out. "And-"
"You spent time willingly with that prick?!" Cherry shouts and in shock Eve sits up quickly.
"What?!" Cherry continues. "He is a spoiled brat who sets a bad example for Slytherins, making us all look like blood thristy death eaters- Oh and he was probably in love with Potter too."

Sarah and Eve nods.
"So anyway..... I'm going for that shower now." Sarah says and stands up again.
"Wait wait wait, Peters who else was there?" Eve asks.
"Nobody." Sarah says quickly.
"You said 'and' before Watson yelled about Malfoy."
"Fuck- yeah so... After breakfast uhhh.... Yeah no, it's not that weird... yeah."

"What's not weird?" Cherry asks.
"It was Cedric. Me and Malfoy and Cedric Diggory."
"Uh how come?" Eve wonders. "How come he joined the two of you? He's a Hufflepuff and he's not very fond of me or you and especially not of Malfoy."
"I don't know Eve! But he was also there and it was fun."

"Fun." Eve mumbles.
"Oh c'mon Diggory, it's not like they're dating."
"Yeah-" Sarah lies. "It is not like we are dating."
"You're right." Eve says. "Sorry I just, why?"
"I don't know, but it's not like it's the first time I've played quidditch with Cedric! We do it every summer when I'm at yours." Sarah says to her defence.
"Yeah, I know that, but yeah... Okay. Okay!" Eve stutters.

"I'm taking that shower, please don't act this weird when I get back." Sarah says at last and leaves the dormitory. Before closing the door she hears that the girls starts taking about what Cherry said about Draco Malfoy again.

After taking a bath in the prefect's bathroom she gets dressed and head down to the great hall where she meets her friends for lunch. While they eat she tries to spot Cedric at the Hufflepuff table but can't seem to find him. In disappointment she continues eating and looks up at the teacher's table and Dumbledore isn't there either.

The only teachers currently eating is Professor Snape and Professor Flitwick, and they're barely talking.
"What's on your mind Sarah?" Eve asks.
"Nothing special." she replies and continues looking at the teacher's table, Cherry follows Sarah's eyes.
"Don't you guys think he's been acting weird?" Cherry then questions.

"Who?" Eve wonders.
"Snape." Sarah replies. "And yes, definitely." She looks back at her friends and they start whispering.
"Oh, yeah... Is it since Potter-" Eve says silently.
"Must be, I mean, what else?" Cherry answers.

"But how can Snape be devastated... If that's the right word? I mean about Potters death, he was awfully rude to him." Sarah states.
"And now Snape is awfully rude to everyone instead, even us Slytherins." Cherry adds.
"I didn't even know Snape had-" Eve continues.
"Snape had what?" they suddenly hear a well recognised voice saying behind them.


Good evening!! It's been awhile but here I am with the third chapter! I've had a writers block for some time now but hopefully that's over loools. Hoping y'all are enjoying this book and as I've said before if love it if you voted or left a comment!!

Lots of love!!❤️❤️

after potter's death - cedric diggoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ