Chapter 15

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When all the practice matchs were done me and Kiyoko cleaned up all the volleyballs on the floor and putting the nets away. While we were getting all the towels and waterbottles up I hear the familiar screaming of girls I turn around and see Oikawa walking into the gym. I let out a frustated sigh and walk over to him with Kiyoko behind me and ask "The gym is closed why are you still here?" I fold my arms and just stare him. "I forgot my school bag and came back to get it." he says moving me out the way to get his bag. "Oh my gosh THE Tooru Oikawa just touched you!!!!!" his fangirls screamed at me. I just stare at them. Are they honestly that dumb?

"Utsukushi come on let's go..." Kyioko-san said to me grabbing my arm. I follow Kiyoko and I feel Oikawa watching me so I turn around and look at him. He just smirks at me and walks out of the gym. Me and Kiyoko finish cleaning the gym up and go outside and I see Kuroo waiting outside for someone so I decide to go and surprise him. I sneak up behind him with Kiyoko close behind me and I jump on Kuroo's back he jumped but then realized it was me and smilied.  "I scared you! I saw you jump." I say laughing. He smiles at me and says "I was waiting for you." I grab his arm and hold on to him "Were you now?" I give him a kiss and then let him go. I grab Kiyoko's arm and say "Well we need to walk Kiyoko home real quick."

"Okay sure we can walk her home.." he walks onto the road and I see a car coming our way so we step over to the side but it also go over to the side. The car speeds up and I see that it is aiming to hit Kuroo. When I realize this I shove Kuroo aside and he hits the ground hard and before I knew it the car hit me and my body flew up in the air and hit the car's windshield leaving a huge crack in it and I fell and hit the ground. Before I had it the ground I caught a glimpse of who was driving the car and then blacked out. 

Kuroo POV:

I watched as her body hit the ground in a thump. I sat there frozen for a minute and then I snapped out of it and run over to Utsukushi limp body on the road. She is all bloody and I pick her head up and look at her. I pick her body up and yell at Kiyoko to go get help. If I had remember correctly the nearest hospital was 3 miles from here. I see a woman come towards me with Kiyoko she tells me that her car is parked nearby and and that she can take us to the hospital. We get in the car and I pray that Utsukushi will be okay and that I will find whoever did this to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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