Chapter Five

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I walk back to everyone. I really hoped I wasn't gone for long.

"...Hey guys. Sorry if I was gone for too long." They were all so silent. ...It was scary.

"...Utsukushi...Why didn't you tell us that Oikawa was your ex?" Daichi said in a flat, almost angry tone. "...Kageyama told us what he heard, and he said that he saw him kiss you... ...Utsukushi. Did he force himself on you?"

I couldn't see his eyes. His expression was dark.

"...Yes. But it's fine. He's gone, and I told him to leave me alone. Also... It's none of your business. So please don't try and butt into it." I silently walked away before they could reply.

"U-Utsukushi-san wait up-!" I turn around and see Kageyama walking after me.

"...What do you want? Why did you tell them about me and Oikawa? Why did you think it was your place to tell them...?!" I felt so betrayed and my mind was a mess. I didn't even know where to start...

Kageyama POV:

...Damn, she has a lot of questions.

"...Look, I understand that you're mad, but... Oikawa had no place to do that to you." I slowly walk towards her. She looks like she's on the verge of tears. What do I do? I haven't comforted someone before.

"Uh... Hey, Utsukushi, it's okay. Um...Do you wanna talk about it?"

She was silent. I struggled to do something, but then she started talking.

"...I don't know what to do. Everytime I try to get away from him, he always comes back... I just want to be happy, Kageyama-kun." She then started talking about her past in an indescribable voice.

Flashback- 5 months ago:

"Oikawa-kun! Good luck on your game!! Go Seijoh!!" His fangirls screamed from the stands.

Oikawa saw me, sitting with everyone else, but only that I wasn't cheering for him. He smirked. "Thanks, ladies. Hey, aren't you going to wish me good luck as well?"

"Me? Hah, sorry, but I'm not one of your fangirls. Oh, do you know where Hajime Iwaizumi is? He's my brother's friend." I say while trying to look over his shoulder.

"You're looking for Iwa-chan? He's over here, follow me."  I left the stands and followed him into a big gym.

I see him chatting with his teammates. "Ah-! Iwa! Hi! I came to watch you play and cheer you on!!" I say with a big smile on my face.

As he heard my voice, he turned his head and looked at me. He smiled. "Oh! Utsukushi-san! Thanks for coming and watching me play. Ah, is Kaji coming?"

"Ahh, sadly, Kaji had something important to do. So I came instead and decided to cheer you on." I shyly said. I've always thought that Iwa was cute but never had the confidence to tell him...

"Oh okay, yeah sure. Also, after the match can you meet me somewhere? I'll text you where." He says while walking away.

"Okay you got this, Iwa!!" I say, happiness bursting from my heart. 

It was the final set, and Seijoh just needed one more point to win. I was so nervous... Oikawa had set the ball for Iwa, and Iwa ran, jumped up and spiked it. It landed next to the line. We waited in suspense to see if it had counted as a point. The judge blew his whistle, and it counted as a point. Seijoh would be moving onto nationals. I almost cried.

"OH MY GOSH!! IWA GOOD JOB!!!" I screamed. He looked up at me and smiled. After the match, I went to the bathroom. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to see that as he told me, I got a text from Iwa. I click on the text and read it.

Iwa: Hey, Utsukushi. Meet me in the gym closet.

Utsukushi: O-Okay! I'm on my way there now.

I walk out of the bathroom and into the gym. The gym was completely empty, I entered the gym closet. It was dark.

"Iwa...?" I try to look through the darkness. As I grabbed my phone out from my pocket to lighten the room, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

I squealed. "I-Iwa? Is that you...?" I was a little scared. I feel a hot breath on my neck. "...Hah...Utsukushi... I've missed you... I haven't seen you in a while..." He said with a seductive tone.

I frantically blush. "Wh-What? Why would you miss a fat glob like me...?" I say in a depressed voice.

Before he could even answer, he kisses me. His mouth was warm and moist. We make out for a while but later break away to breathe.

"Haah...Iwa, I- We can't do this..." I say sadly. I break out from his arms.

"What? Why?! I love you...!" He desperately said. Those words made me feel a sharp pang in my heart. I love you too...But...

"...Just because. It's not right." I walk out of the closet. "Bye Iwa. Sorry."

On my way out, I ran into Oikawa. "Hey what are you doing? Where's Iwa-chan?" he says while walking towards me.

I suddenly felt so dizzy... As I fought for consciousness, I collapsed in his arms.

When I woke up, I was at home. My mom said two young boys had brought me home.

Back to Present Time:

After telling Kageyama all that, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest... I felt so tired. I was tired of lying to everyone I know about Oikawa. I was tired from Oikawa's stupid antics. I was tired of my entire life.

My head started feeling heavy, like a weight had been planted inside it. My head hurt. I started to lose control of my feet, my arms, and slowly, my consciousness. I shakily walked towards Kageyama. "Hey, uh... Kageyama-kun... I'm a little tired, can yo-" My vision suddenly blurs and before I see my body hit the ground, I see Kageyama running towards me. I suddenly feel the warmth of his body against mine.

"...fuck...!!! OI! YOU GUYS!!! HURRY, UTSUKUSHI PASSED OUT!!!!!"

His grasp was warm, for the first time in a long time, I felt safe.

Forbidden LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora