Chapter 11

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My mom walks through the door. "Mom what are you doing home?" I ask walking towards her. "Why are all these boys in my house oh my god is that Oikawa and Iwaizumi?" she drops her purse and runs towards them. "WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?!!!" she says getting Oikawa up. "We found these two raping your daughter." Kuroo says standing next to me. "Utsukushi are what they saying true?" I nod looking at my mom. A wave of anger flashed over her face. She grabbed Oikawa by his hair and kicked him out the house along with Iwa. "IF I EVER SEE ANY YOU TWO NEAR HER AGIAN HEH I AM NOT EVEN GONNA BE ABLE TO DESCRIBE WHAT I AM GONNA DO TO YOU." she slams the door. "Okay Utsukushi why don't you introduce me to these fellow young men?" she says smiling. "Um this is Daichi, Tobio and Kuroo." I say pointing to all of them. 

Kuroo extends his hand "It's nice to meet you what do you want me to call you?" he says shaking her hand. "Oh just me by my first name Yumi!" "Well guys this is my mom..." I say taking Kuroo's arm. My mom looks at him then at me like a million times trying to figure out what was hapanening then it looked like a bell went off and she smilied. "Um Kuroo was it are you dating my daughter?" she says. "Ah yes ma'am" he says holding me closer.

"Utsukushi may I talk to you in the kitchen?" she says walkign towards the kitchen.  I let go of Kuroo and walk with my mom into the kitchen. "What is this why didn't you tell me your dating this guy and you cut and dyed your hair." she said touching my arm. That was it I hated the fact that she acted like she cared and I exploded. "WHY MOM HUH YOU ARE NEVER HOME.. THEN WHEN YOU DO COME HOME YOU ACT LIKE YOU CARE ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON IN MY LIFE. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND I CUT MY HAIR SO WHAT BOO HOO BUT MAYBE YOU SHOULD CONSIDER STAYING HOME. BECAUSE IF YOU IF YOU HAD JUST STAYED HOME OIKAWA AND IWA WOULD HAVE NEVER DID THAT TO ME."  I let all of it spill outta me. I was so mad. My mom was stunned and at a lose for words she looked hurt and sad. "So please excuse me but I am going to go in the livivng room with my boyfriend." I leave the kitchen and I go with Kuroo.

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