Chapter One

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Friday, 9:32 PM: An unknown driver in a black Range Rover rammed into the side of the vehicle Harry Styles was in, when the unnamed driver ran a red light at an intersection. Witnesses ran to help and shut down the traffic.

Friday, 9:43 PM: Three ambulances arrived, and an unconscious Harry was brought into one of them while the two others were reserved for his driver and the offending driver who both seemed in a better state than Harry himself.

Friday, 10:12 PM: The remaining members of One Direction spotted leaving the party they were attending earlier alongside Harry Styles. All looked severely chocked and devastated, refusing to speak with our journalists.

Friday, 11:00 PM: No public news as to Harry's state of health yet. Fans are crowding the hospital he's residing at with lights and prayers.

Saturday, 1:59 AM: Short message from One Direction's manager, Simon Cowell. "I can confirm that Harry Styles is now stable despite several serious injuries. He has undergone emergency surgery and is still unconscious but stable. That is all, thank you."


Louis has scarcely left Harry's side since he first arrived here with the other boys from the band. He has slept here, wept here, and barely moved an inch, his body carrying the traces of exhaustion and emotion all too clearly.

Dark hair hangs matted and slightly greasy in messy knots across Louis' forehead, and his otherwise clear blue eyes seem to have lost some of their sparkle, even as he's staring at Harry's face. Though most evidently, his quickly diminishing hopes for his fiancé's recovery hangs on his shoulders, hunching them over and forcing Louis' head down, his red-rimmed eyes never leaving Harry's face, nor his finger's untangling from the all too quiet and immovable boy's in the hospital bed.


When Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam got the news of Harry's accident, it took them scarcely a minute to rush out of the club they were partying at, a car already waiting for them out front. Louis was in hysterics, yelling and crying and then yelling again, completely oblivious to the paparazzi crowding the entrance to the club.

It took both Niall's and Liam's strong hands to guide Louis into the awaiting car while Zayn did his best to hide Louis from the onlookers, all with their phones out - some even with the blitz on. The worst part was the drive to the hospital, because in no way could it pass quickly enough, and it only allowed Louis to panic further.

Zayn had turned eerily quiet and so had Niall, only Liam seemed to have the energy to calm Louis - or perhaps this is just the way Liam copes with things like this, turning to other's aid first, then picking up the pieces of his own scattered heart later.

Louis had kept on the edge between weeping and hysterical, telling the driver to hurry up time and time again while crying and repeating that he should have gone home with Harry, when he wanted to leave the party early, but he had let his boy convince him that he was fine to go alone, and as always, Harry could've convinced Louis of anything, so he had complied.

Not even Liam's words of comfort and assurance make a difference, because Louis disagrees - it would have been better if he was in the car with Harry. Yeah, he might have gotten hurt too, but he could have protected Harry - or at least offered comfort.

Somehow, paparazzi were already covering around the hospital when they arrived, and the four of them had to take a back entrance to avoid the worst of it. At this point Louis had gone entirely quiet, letting Liam's broad arm tie around his shoulder and lead him inside.

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