Chapter 27 - Curly

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Around ten the next morning I woke up and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. After that I went to take a pair of jeans and a jumper on and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. Around eleven Danielle and Liam joined me. 

"So, are you excided for your date tonight with curly?" Liam asked while he was pouring the boiled water into a teacup.

"Yeah, I am", I said. It wasn't a lie. I was excited of where Harry would take me and how he would be to go on a date with. I liked Harry, but he was just a friend and I knew that I would've never get with him for real. 

"Can I help you pick an outfit?" Danielle asked excited. She loved helping others finding perfect outfits. She loved fashion as much as I did, but she had ways to put together an outft, in ways I wouldn't have dared or thought about. 

"Of course", I said with a smile. 

None of us did much that day. It was raining again, and none of us bothered about going out, although there wasn't much food left in the fridge other than eggs, milk, butter, cheese and bread and some vegetables and juice. We watched some episodes of FRIENDS and before we knew it, it was already around six in the evening. 

"Shit, he's picking me up in an about an hour!", I said as I looked at my phone. 

"Well, then let's get you ready!" Dani said and dragged me op from the sofa, leaving Liam alone on the couch wathing TV, although he looked like he was sleeping. 

"Okay, let's see what we have", Dani said and opened my suitcase. First she took out a short, blue dress, studied it. looked at me, and then put it back down. Then she took a white dress up, but she also put that back in. 

"Come on, Dani, I must have something I can wear for tonight", I chuckled. 

"This!" Dani said and picked up a black/red dress which I had bought in Urban Outfitters a long time ago, but never had worn. 

"Really?", I asked and had never thought of wearing it for a date. 

"It's perfect! I have the perfect shoes to go with it!", she said and handed me the dress to put in on. 


She was right about the shoes: Her black Christian Louboutin- shoes. God I was happy we had the same size feet. They fitted me perfectly and the dress too. 

After that she helped me do my makeup. I wanted it to be a simple and relaxed look, and she managed to make it look really casual, although she had used a whole lot of makeup. Sometimes I wonder why she's not a make-up artist/hairdresser/stylist - But she's a damn good dancer anyways. 

"You look amazing!" she exclaimed with a big smile on her face. 

"Only because of you", I said and looked at myself in the mirror. I hadn't done anything to my hair other than having washed it this morning and having it a bun all day, so it was all curly when I took the elastic out. 

"You look amazing, really, really good!" Liam said and looked up and down at me. I thanked him, just as the door bell buzzed and Danielle went to open it. 

"Harry's waiting downstairs, I said you were coming down", Danielle said and took me to one side. "Have fun, and...Ali, just use yer head, okay?" she asked and looked into my eyes. 

"I know what you'll just be a date and that's all", I said and hugged her. Liam handed me my jacket and gave me a hug. 

"Tell him I said hi, and that I think he's a dick for not coming up", Liam said with a chuckle as I went out of the front door and headed for the elevator. 

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