4 | Im sorry Toby...

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8:25pm | Saturday

"Okay, um. RUDE" Toby says in response to my comment.

"but no seriously, when will you do a face reveal?" Tommy asks, slightly chuckling at Toby.

"im not sure. Maybe after or on my birthday?" I say, I havnt really thought about doing a face reveal to be honest.

"Oh, but that's like... five months away!" Tommy says.

"I havent really thought about a face reveal to be honest with you Tom. maybe when I win an MCC." I say, thinking of the idea on the spot.

"That's... not a bad idea Y/N" Toby says, getting up off of the stool he's on and going into the cupboard and grabbing three popcorn bags.

"movie?" he asks while putting the first of three popcorn bags into the microwave.

"sure" Tom and I say at the same time.

"imma go get a movies ready." I say, bringing me and my monster into the lounge and turning the TV on.

"let watch monsters Inc.!" Tom says, we watched it every time we were all together, the three of us.

"uhh... sure!" I say, finding the movie on netflix and playing it, but pausing it right before it starts.


The movie soon becomes background noise while the three of us are talking.

"You know, when I first met you guys I thought you were dating" Tom says in the small moment of silence.

"trust me. if we liked eachother, we would be dating by now" Toby says while laughing.

"Yeah... we have more of a, brother and sister relationship. if we liked eachother... it would be more obvious." I say, adding on to what Toby said before me.

after about a minute of silence, I look over to the boys on the couch. I am currently laying on the floor because Tom kicked me off because he wanted to lay down, while Toby being lucky to have the longer side on the couch.

"you guys like anyone right now?" I ask.

"umm... no? I don't think so.." Toby says and tommy says something similar.

"what about you Y/N?" Toby asks.

"You and Ranboo seem to have a thing going on." Tom comments, making sit up on my elbows and look at him like 'what the fuck.'

Toby glares at him. he obviously doesn't know what happend yet, and I wanna keep it that way.

"I don't get along with Ranboo. don't ask me why because I honestly don't know." I say, laying back down as I glance over to Toby, he looks like he's trying so hard to hold in laughter right now but it's not working because seconds after we make eye contact he bursts.

"Y/n is on her enemies to lovers arc, confirmed?" Toby says inbetween laugh.



after quite a few hours of talking, watching movies, eating food and playing games it turns out to be around 2am.

"im gonna have a quick shower then hop into bed, night boys" I say while getting up.

"ight, I'll probably be in bed by the time you get out so night" Tommy says.

I smile and go grab a baggy hoodie and some sweatpants from my drawer, I walk into the bathroom and take my shower.

after drying myself off, getting dressed and walk out to an empty lounge, I turn the lights off and climb up the steps to where tobys room is lifted to. I climb into bed and plug my phone in.

"should we tell Tommy what happend?" Toby says as I get comfortable.

"we both know that if we tell him he's going to lose his shit with Ranboo." I say while yawning.

"Yeah true... night Y/N" he says.

I soon fall asleep to the sound of rain on the window.


10:19am | Sunday

I wake up in a sweat, lifting myself up on my elbows as soon as I gain consciousness.

all I hears was him.

'Well im sorry but the world's doesn't FUCKING REVOLVE AROUND YOU'

I saw him in the distance. yelling at me. why do I care so much?

'You don't have to be such an ASSHOLE all the time'

hes right. I don't have a reason. I don't know why there's so much tension around us.

I snap out of thinking about it as I feel tobys hand land on my shoulder.

"Y/N? are you okay?" He says in a tired voice.

"Yeah, just... a nightmare." I say.

Toby sits crosslegged next to me, facing me. I followed his actions.

"spill. what happend." he says, we always found if we talked about out nightmares, it would help. alot.

"so I was walking through a void, then I heard Ranboo screaming what he did on the call last night. I continued walking then I saw him, hunched over me as I was sitting on the floor under him, cowering" I say, pausing to take a deep breath in.

"so I continue walking towards him and he yells out 'Why do you have to be such an ASSHOLE all the time?' and I remember thinking to myself 'why do I care so much about this' and what he said just continued repeating in my head as I tried running away from him" I say.

"Oh, shit. maybe it's best if you talk to him about it?" he says, trying his best to help.

"I know if I hear his voice im either going to lose my shit, or cry but... I'll try to." I say with a slight chuckle.

"Fair enough..." he says, "so.. why do you care so much about this?"

"I... I, don't... know. it's just, I want him to like me you know? but he makes to so hard to have a decent conversation without snarkey comments or mean jokes."

"I- fair enough." Toby says, I feel bad for putting all of my shit with Ranboo onto him.

"look, toby- I'm sorry for putting all my shit with Ranboo onto you. your like the middle man in this situation and I know you hate it." I say, as he turns to leave and go down stairs.

"thanks Y/N." He replies with and he disappears down the ladder.

I sit there, spacing out. I probably should talk to him.



ayup. I didn't know how to end this chapter so here's this I guess :) also I hope you guys are liking the book, I'm having second thoughts so if I should stop writing.. let me know.

What's you least favourite type of bug?
mines mossies:/

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