2 | Tention

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𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐨'𝐬 POV

8:28pm | Friday

As I start up my PC I try to think about the reason why there is so much tension between U/N and I. It's not like I hate her. I don't think I do. But sometimes when she says things they sound, sarcastic? Like once she said my build in the smp was cool and it sounded insincere.

The tone she uses with me can mostly be matched with the tone I use with her. I think it's because she spends alot of time with tubbo and she says jokes that only he would get?

But then again when I'm with her even in a group without tubbo I can't help but feel the impatience with her bubble up. Not like she's a child, she's older than Tubbo but when she doesn't know what to say or she says something annoying I sorta lose it and just leave or end stream.

I honestly don't know why I feel the way I do, I'm not jealous... I know that much. it's not like I want her to like me or anything like that, i dont think. She's always so bright and bubbly and it annoys me sometimes. even though that's how Tubbo is most of the time.

She's like, a female version of tubbo, that I know of... he has said himself that they are not alike at all.

I am hoping that we can sort out whatever it is between us before I go to the UK. Wait, yeah... that's in a month. I should probably start packing. I wonder if U/N knows yet? Tubbo said he would either suprise her or tell her once we are friends, if we ever are..

Im just hoping we can start to get along, I've seen how she is with tommy and tubbo and it would be cool if we could get along. she seems cool at certain times I guess


As I join VC with Tubbo and U/N I hear them talking, they obviously hear me enter so they stop. "Hey Ranboo!" I hear Tubbo say enthusiastically.

"Hey Tubso, Hi U/N" I say, the last part coming off cold and sarcastic. Shit. I didn't mean it like that?

"Hi." She says equally as cold and emotionless. Wow. this is going to be fun huh?

"You guys good?" Tubbo says, picking up on our tone with eachother.

"Yeah, im good, what about you?" I say, accidentally cutting U/N off from being able to talk. this happens everytime.

"Im alright." Tubbo says, I hear clicks from his keyboard.

"How are you U/N?" I ask, finally sounding genuine.

"Im alright! and you?" she said, I cant tell if she's being genuinely happy that I asked her or if it's sarcastic.

"Im ok." I say coldly. hoping that I was right about assuming she's being sarcastic.

"Im starting stream in 5 by the way Ranboo." I hear Tubbo say. I don't reply because I get a message from Tubbo.

'now wpuld be a good time to sort out yonr thing with U/N' it reads. I think about it and decide to do it. I type back 'ok, can I talk to her privately?' and I get an 'ok' in response.

"Imma do some mic testing, brb" I hear tubbo say before leaving the vc.

"Hey U/N, can I talk to you?" I ask, trying to not sound cold. I hear a hum in response and I start talking.

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