The number of people in the class burgeoned, and as suspected, most sat in the middle or front rows. Two others decided to sit at the back, but they were far from Taeyong so he didn't mind. As the professor entered and started her lecture, the male couldn't help but glance away from his workbook and eye at his notebook. He was eschewing the urge to write more ideas about him and Doyoung, but it was irresistible. All he could visualise was this imaginary person's gorgeous face and charming smile, causing flower buds to bloom within him.

Whilst his eyes were staring, his hand had already moved ahead to take the book and a pen to write about a particular bunny male.



Scenario #10: Affection in Class

"Gosh, this lecture is so boring,' sighed Taeyong, glaring at the teacher up front one last time before shoving his head into his crossed arms.

Doyoung looked at his boyfriend and ran a hand through the elder's hair. "As boring as it is, we still have to get through it."

Sitting at the back had its advantages. The teacher barely picked on them and couldn't see them properly so left them alone. She was at the front chatting away about the topic they were looking at, so didn't notice Doyoung switch from one seat to another. His elbows were propped up on the table and his head was sitting on the palms of his hands as he curiously looked at Taeyong's movements. For a moment the male just laid there with his head down before slowly turning to look at the taller, his cheek squished against his forearm.

"How much more time here do we have?" He watched as Doyoung stretched his arm out for him to read the time. A groan escaped his lips. "We still have half an hour left. I'm done I'm going-"

"And leaving me too? I'm offended." Doyoung made an act of being upset and turned around to face away from Taeyong with his arms crossed.

Covering his giggle with a little smile, he tapped on Doyoung's shoulder using a pen before poking him on the back. When the male wouldn't budge, Taeyong risked a glance at the professor before getting up and giving Doyoung a little gift on his cheek, making him satisfied as he turned around.

"Now let's get back to listening to this lecture before we miss out on anything important," Doyoung reminded him, making the latter scoff a bit before remembering something.

"Want to go to the new café that opened nearby? I hear it has really good drinks and pastries. I'll pay!"

"Sure then. We haven't gone on a date in a while," replied Doyoung with a soft smile, his bunny cheeks more prominent.

Whilst he got back to note-taking, Taeyong decided to shuffle his chair closer to Doyoung's before casually placing his legs over the taller's lap. The table was high so he was able to do it easily. The bunny male was unfazed by this action, and placed his arm over Taeyong's legs, his eyes briefly glancing up to see Taeyong's silly smile.

The teacher's eyes fell upon them, and she saw them peacefully taking notes. Somehow, she didn't notice the proximity of how close they were sitting.



Once Taeyong finished writing, he heard his name being called.

"Lee Taeyong. What's your opinion on this matter?"

During the time he was busy writing, a small debate had risen amongst a few students, who were trying to prove their points on the situation. The interlocutors paused their conversation and turned to look at him in the far corner of the room. Feeling the pressure of being stared at and not knowing what to say, he gulped before processing an answer.

"Uhm, I'm not sure professor," he admitted.

"That's perfectly fine. I'll choose someone else then," she replied with a gentle smile as she gazed around the room, searching for her subsequent victim.

"Guys, I told you not to pick Taeyong. The guy's just trying to get through university and mind his own business and y'all chose to pick on him at the moment he looked like he was busy doing something," a girl called Seulgi scolded her friends.

"I barely hear him speak so I decided to pick him. Besides, he's usually great at debates so I thought he'd be able to help us," replied one guy, Yuta.

The rest of the conversation was a blur to Taeyong, who looked down at his mini scenario that was penned in his neat handwriting. Carefully closing the book, he placed it away in his bag before resting his head in his arms, turning to face the window. The golden rays of winter sun had vanished, leaving him to encounter the world darkened by hefty clouds outside.

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