Chapter 24- My Worth

Start from the beginning

Timeskip~ 10 years
Tokyo Japan,

"I hate coming here." I said to my driver, who was now an old man. it had been ten years since I'd last been here, I couldn't bring myself to come, but this time I couldn't avoid it. I was no longer an Idol and had graduated to doing movies and dramas, I was the biggest name in Japan and the highest paid actress.

Aomine was playing on Japan's Olympic basketball team as well as on the roster for one of japan's national basketball teams, you can imagine how surprised I was to see him on TV after five years.. after that I stopped watching the Olympics.

Me and Kise had kept touch over the years, he was now a famous model and actor. We've even been in a few movies together.

Murisakibara opened up his very own bakery which I found quite amusing.

Akashi had taken over his father's business and no longer played basketball.

I didn't keep in touch with the rest of the generation of miracles and I often wondered what they were up to today, but I certainly had no intention of running into any of them.

I was here back in Tokyo because the Prime Minister of Japan's granddaughter was having a birthday party and I simply couldn't refuse the invite.

As we pulled into the massive mansion I stepped out in a floor length black dress with a relatively simple design, a slit followed my right leg as I walked.

And my hair? I keep it short these days.

As I walked into the mansion I felt the eyes of many people on me, I could tell these people were rich and I had a feeling I might even see Akashi here

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As I walked into the mansion I felt the eyes of many people on me, I could tell these people were rich and I had a feeling I might even see Akashi here.

I walked around for a bit, making small talk with people, then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and right before my eyes was Aomine... Daiki Aomine.

"Sōdai.. so it really is you." He said in shock, he was tall, taller than before (keep in mind he was 6'4 at the age of 16) he had to be atleast 6'9 now... and he filled out a lot too... I mean he was always in pretty good shape but wow, he looked amazing.

"Daiki.." Was all I could muster.
Aomine POV
When I saw her face, floods of our memories as teenagers came back into my mind.

She was beautiful, more beautiful than I could ever have imagined.
Sōdai's POV

I blushed hard, I had imagined scenarios where me and Aomine might run into eachother, but I never knew my body would give off this reaction..

It didn't help that he was looking at me like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"I need a drink." I said to him, he nodded and we headed to the bar.
"This is quite the surprise." I said to him,

"Yeah, turned out the princess happens to be a big fan of basketball, they tried to get Kobe down here, but I guess I was their second choice after he declined." He said jokingly, I giggled.

His face lit up seeing me laugh.

"Sōdai.." He said softly, my heart skipped a beat as he said my name.


"About what happened ten years ago.. I'm really sorry, you were right. We were just immature kids."

Daiki, no I should be the one apologizing. I basically regretted how things left off immediately after I said goodbye."

He looked at me and then breathed in. "Sōdai, I'm not a little kid anymore, I've never even entertained the thought of dating anyone else and I've never completely gotten over you to be honest.... You were the best thing that ever happened to me and I screwed up, will you give me another chance?" He asked, I had known for a long time that I regret how things went that night, and this was an opportunity to fix it..

I smiled at him and then nodded my head, I wrote down my number on a napkin and then handed it to him.

"How about we start with coffee?"

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now