He hates it he hates it he hates it with the entirety of his soul and heart he hates it . He hates how Woodster probably doesn't like him back he hates how he doesn't deserve anyone he hates how he hasn't made any progress since he was a kid he hates it he hates how his brain feels like it's melting and pouring out into his lungs and gumming them up , halting him from any breathing (why is it hard to breathe) he hates how tears were spilling out and hitting the floor (since - When did I stand up ? –) down his cheeks he —

His cup drops .

It feels like time slows for a moment , his eyes widening as he pushes himself out of his seat and staring at the falling cup .


It hits the floor , and Blocky's heart skips a beat as the breath in his throat hitches and halts for a moment . It feels like he almost blacked out , the memory of what happened blacked out in his mind and replaced with a void . His head pounded , he felt dizzy , he wanted to scream .

He's grateful as it doesn't break , making a loud clattering sound upon impact . He reaches down and shakily picks it up , feeling the cup around in his hands . He's glad . He's glad he had downed it in a daze earlier , he's glad that it didn't break . It was his favorite mug after all , Pen and Eraser had gotten him a new one after seeing his old one break . He sits back down into his seat hesitantly .

The pit in his stomach persists .

He's angry about that .

He's angry about how he woke up in the middle of the night , he's angry he keeps on seeing things and hallucinating that things are there when they aren't , he was angry that there was a storm going on (Wasn't W -) he was angry that there were tears streaming down his face he was angry at the loud booming from outside he was angry he was angry I'm angry I'm absolutely fucking pissed god I know I deserve any of this I know it I know please ju -

"Blocky ?"

Blocky can't hear him .

It's loud - it's so , so loud . There's ringing in his ears and sobs choking out from his throat (when did he stand up ?-) . It's cold but he feels burning hot and his head hurts and he can't hear anything it's just silent besides ringing and gosh he wanted something someone anyone anything to break the silence but not like this why'd he'd have to wake up at this time should he just go back to bed but he might get nightmares again and -

Blocky's pulled out of his thoughts by feeling someone pull him into a hug from behind and bury their head in the crook of his neck . He flinches , almost melting into the gesture but stopping himself . He can't , he just can't . Not yet , at least .

"Blocky ? Are you okay ?"

He's trembling , trying to keep his feet on the ground and stay standing instead of falling and breaking down and crying into Woodster's arms . He - He's supposed to be strong , I'm strong I'm strong ! He's the strong guy in the group ! To go "It's nothing ," when getting beat up or something . He's strong , he's supposed to be he HAS TO be . He's strong , he's strong , he's strong . (... Was he ?)

"Blocky ? Blocky are you ?-"

He breaks .

Blocky breaks out of Woodster's hug (not that it was very tight to begin with ,) catching himself on the table before turning around and practically tackling Woodster in a hug , Blocky hugging him tightly and burying his face into the crook of Woody's neck . Tears roll down Blocky cheeks as he gasps for air every once in a while , bawling his eyes out .

Woody opens his mouth to say something before getting cut off by Blocky choking out words . "G - gosh , Woodster - Woody , I don't even know if you're e - even real but I'm so sorry I'm" he chokes on his words , taking a deep breath in . "I'm so so so so so so so so sorry I'm so sorry Woody I'm -" Blocky forced out a sob that was caught in his throat , letting out tears that he has repressed for god knows how long . His hug gets tighter (he can vaguely feel the feeling of Woody holding back on) .

The Woodblock Chronicles (Blocky x Woody)Where stories live. Discover now