… Actually , he might just do that .


'I am the worst person alive .'

Now , usually , he'd just snicker at the thought . It wasn't that he thought it was funny , or anything (okay well - maybe he DID find it a little bit amusing) , but just at the boldness of the statement . That he was so sure of it (he really was , it was engraved into his mind like someone took a knife and carved it into his brain) , THAT'S what made him chuckle a bit .

Unfortunately , that didn't work today .

His hand reaches for the stove turn - y thingy that turned it on and what not and turned it to 4 , grabbing a spoon he had placed on the counter and scooping out the little like ...thing on top of the hot tea . (he could barely remember the name , it was late , or was it more of morning ..? He didn't know - his brain felt like it was melting .) .

His head hurt . It felt like it was pounding against his skull , he felt dizzy and lightheaded but also as if gravity was pulling him to the ground but also as if he were flying in the air , and it felt horrible . It made his stomach churn , made him feel sick (Just like how you are yourself !) , a bad feeling inky black pit forming in his stomach and feeling as if it were growing roots through his lungs into his throat and digging through his brain .

He takes a cup and pours tap water to the point of almost the brim , downing it as fast as he could and almost gasps for air as he slams the cup on the counter .

The pit in his stomach grows and Blocky feels about as if he's about to throw up .

He wearily looks around , listening for any sort of sound or anything to tell him that 1 . No one's awake and 2 . That he's actually there .

He finds nothing , and he can't tell if that's good or not .

He sighs , putting his head in his hands before pulling them down and going back to his tea on the stove . He grabs the strainer beside him with shaky hands and takes the handle of the pot . He poured it as carefully as he could over the strainer on his mug (it was very careful , he felt like just dropping it and going to bed at that very moment) .

Blocky lets out a heavy breath he didn't realize he kept in upon finishing .

Shaking his head , he grabs his mug and heads out to the kitchen and to the counter , taking a seat silently and pushing his seat in .

It's silent .

It's quiet - no sounds from Blocky or anyone or anything besides the sound of the mug in his shaky hands being placed down on the table any time he took a sip .

He hates it .

He hates the silence - he hates the 'peaceful' setting , he hates that his brain is acting up , he hates the thoughts brimming in his brain and forcibly drowning him , gasping for air any time he could .

His hands get shakier .

He hates that Woodster is upstairs and the possibility that he was awake , he hates that Woodster was so nice to him , he hates that stupid show BFDI he went on thinking it was fun and instead got locked in a box for years , he hates that probably no one likes him , he hates the fact that Pen and Eraser we're probably hanging with him out of sympathy ,

He can't notice how his grip on the cup was harder , his hands shaking more .

He hates how it was late , he hates how it felt like he was drowning , he hates how he caught feelings for Woodster , he hates how he never deserved this he hates how nothing felt right nothing felt good he hates how he felt horrible he hates the pit in his stomach eating him inside out .

The Woodblock Chronicles (Blocky x Woody)Where stories live. Discover now