Power's a virtue

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"this city values children, not childhood."

Day 4 (pt.2):
The moment I entered the sphere was the moment I could finally hear myself think even though I could still hear security going off and the ring of bullets, the ride to the station wasn't that long, but it felt like a lifetime. God I'm so tired of feeling powerless, but I'm here and I best make the most of it.

Day 5:
Man, this place is real beautiful in person. Well beautiful by Rapture standards, but to me it's home and I love it, it's so much better than where I was. as I walked through the halls I didn't recognize most of it, until I found the Adonis. Then I remembered; the fight, the anxiety, the screams. I remembered all of it, and I knew the way through the plasmid therapies area, out in to the crushing sea and into the train station. This was it, this was my time, as I walked I could hear the taps of feet on the ground and the quiet giggles coming from the vents; I was surrounded. I pressed the call button on the window and I heard rustling, whispers, and a woman's voice; Tenenbaum's. I just knew it was her, this was it and I knew I couldn't afford to screw up.

"Hello? Doctor Tenenbaum? Is that you? Please, I need your help, my name is subject_ER-0, I am a protector to your little sisters but I don't know how to use my abilities that I know come with this suit, and that's why I need your help; You would know more about what I am than I would."
She opened the metal guard covering the window, she was startled when she saw me but I was some-what expecting that, she looked me up and down trying to place what I was.

"What are you?... Or better yet, who are you? Because I do not believe subject_ER-0 is your real name."

"If I have a real name I do not know it, the only name I know is the code name on my suit; and as to what I am, that I am not sure of either. From what I've observed I have features of both a alpha series and a big sister, but I have heard the whispers of splicers calling me 'the big brother'."

"Hm, interesting... I wish to do more research into you, and see if you are what you say you are. Come, follow me to my safehouse underneath Olympus heights, and know this, I still do not trust you, but... My sister's seem to, so I will for now until I have reason not too."
And with that she shut the window giving me no other option but to follow her to Olympus heights.

A Rapture reminder: [DON'T TRUST ANYONE]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant