Ain't life grand?

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1959 in the middle of the Atlantic ocean below the waves lies a city in cold war and ruins. Corrupt voices still echo through the halls, and the trapped denizens of this sunken dream crave the sunlight that they'll never get. And in that and Adam driven madness they became rabid animals willing to kill children just to get their next fix. It's the big daddies job to keep the little sisters safe while they wander the city, if they fail the big sister steps in as the second line of defense. I came here to replace both to be the ultimate protector, I am the big brother.

I decided to keep this book to write the things I experience as the big brother in Rapture when I arrived and started doing my job, I wondered why the splicers were calling me the big brother until I remembered the normal big sister doesn't have the full radial of weapons like a big daddy does. The name makes sense though,
I'm not sure why but it does but I like it .

Well I think I should get on with this story of my life as the big brother,

Chapter 1: the days go by

Day: 1
I'm... Here, I can't believe I'm actually here! Wow Rapture is so much bigger than I thought, I haven't come across any splicers yet so I'm a bit on edge usually this place is teaming with them Arcadia is not the place to drop into a city like this. Wait... I hear something... Oh, oh sh*t! That is a LARGE group of splicers, I have to stop writing I'll try to add more details once I get away... If I get away.

One of the splicers burned me and it hurts like hell. And that wouldn't surprise me. It's been three hours since I saw the hoard, and I'm currently writing this entry in the top of a tree. God how the hell am I supposed to be a protector when I can't even fend off a couple of splicers I'll cut myself some slack for today since it's my first day here, I mean I've played before but I've never actually played like this I've gotta get my sh*t together and quickly I've just got this terrible feeling in my gut and I want to get out of Arcadia before anything happens.

Day: 3
Hello again, last time I wrote I said I was going to find a way out of Arcadia and into somewhere safer, I'm hoping to get to the Atlantic express train station my best bet in this situation is to find Tenenbaum and see if she'll tell me more about what I am now. I spent the previous day coming up with a plan to get out of here, so there are usually splicers in the halls at all times so it would be difficult to just slip out and into the bathisphere dock so I'm thinking I could get some mini turrets and set them up in the hall closest to the dock and once I'm ready to go I'm just gonna gun it through the hall and into the dock and I'm hoping that will work. I know there's a bathisphere already in the dock so I won't have to worry about finding one. God I hope this works, I really want answers and I hope to get them as quickly as possible. For awhile I considered trying to find an exit port to the sea bed but there are none in sight. This bathisphere is my only ticket to unlocking my full potential and for all I went through to get here... I'm not wasting my shot.

Day: 4
I set the traps today, God I'm so ready to get out of Arcadia the splicers here are ridiculous but I also don't know what lies beyond this place I'm hoping I get the answers I want... No the answers I need to survive. I remember thinking these instincts would come naturally to me but I know nothing of how to process the Adam I find I know I can, but how is the question.
Wait I think I'm getting something... A memory I can see it... A blonde girl on a screen talking about... Something, I don't know what. She feels familiar, safe, like a friend. God trying to dig up more of the memory makes my brain hurt. Sharing part of my brain with the old persona can get confusing, trying to distinguish which emotions and thoughts go with which personality, as the old one fades away. I'll get a random splurt of old emotion linked to something I see, mostly its just the awe that these things from the 50's and 60's actually existed. I find it funny when that happens, I can tell they felt very out of place in their old reality. But they worry about the people they left behind from time to time, they wonder if they'll be able to find the clues they left behind so they can follow them, they think this was a good idea, I think it was foolish; what they left behind leads them to this ruin and that puts them and me in danger.

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