Weakness or strength

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It's Sunday today. I was hit with that stupid quirk on Friday. That same day I told three people how I felt about them. Yesterday I stayed in my room and didn't answer the door. Told the squad I had a headache and to just leave me alone. Kiri brought me food but I still didn't talk to him. I felt bad but I just couldn't handle dealing with people for a while.

It's only 6:30 in the morning so I was hoping that I wouldn't run into anyone while I got something to eat from the kitchen. Of course I couldn't get that lucky.

I walk into the kitchen and see two people standing there getting out bowls for cereal.

"Morning!" I hear Pinky say in a sing song voice. "I see your hair is pink again. Ready to confess your love for me yet?" She says as she bats her eyes at me.

Ears looks from her to me and then goes, "If he does that then he has to tell me the same thing. I'm pretty sure he's not in love with both of us." Her eye roll makes me almost laugh with her. Almost.

"Fine!" I huff, "might as well get this over with and since you're both already here I can do this quick."

They both stop what they're doing and look at me. Pinky with eyes full of humor and Ears looking like she doesn't know quite what to expect.

"First off," I point to Pinky, "stop looking like you're excited, you're pissing me off."
I look away and mumble "This isn't funny. It's actually very hard for me to talk about this shit."

Neither one of them say anything so I look back up. Pinky still has a small smile but it is filled with concern this time.

Jiro pushes at Pinky's shoulder and looks at me. "You'll have to excuse her. She thinks everybody here is her own personal romance manga story to read."

"Whatever!" Pinky says but without much umph to it. "I'm sorry." She continues with sincerity. "I promise I won't tell a single soul what you say to us, aaannnnndddd I'll quite teasing you about it too."

I take a look around the kitchen to make sure no one else is around before I continue.

"I think of both of you as sisters I never had. I value your opinions and I will kill anyone that even thinks about hurting either one of you." I say that with a lot more feeling than I meant to, but the more I thought about it, it was the truth.

Next thing I know I'm in the middle of a hug sandwich. Both of them having launched themselves at me, squeezing me tight.

"Ugh, get off me." I say without actually trying to push them off of me. I guess this isn't so bad, being hugged by them.

I hear Pinky giggle as she lets go. "Aahhh, your hair is going back to normal." She whines. "Pink was a good color on you." She winked at me as she turned back to get her breakfast.

Jiro let's go but doesn't turn away from me. "Thank you," she says. "That means a lot coming from you." She softly punches my shoulder. As she turns away I hear her practically whisper, "I've always wanted a brother."

Dam emotions, making me go soft.

"Yeah, yeah, don't get too excited and don't hog all the cereal. I want to eat quickly and get back to my room." I say gruffly while grabbing me a bowl and a spoon.

I can only handle so much of this gushy stuff at a time. As I sit there eating I start thinking. Having to say this shit to my friends is one thing, but I still have to talk to several others and I'm not exactly looking forward to it. I eat faster so I can try to get back to my room before seeing anyone else.

Thankfully I make it back to my room without seeing anyone else.

I try to remember what Aizawa said about this stupid quirk. I know it lasts ten days and I'm on day three. He said I would get seven colors but that it could effect the first seven to ten people that I saw.

Wait a minute, I think. If I'm not mistaken, I've already gotten my seven colors. I grab a pencil and one of my notebooks to write it down to make sure.

1. Black-Aizawa Done
2. Yellow-Denki and Hanta Done
3. Pink-Mina and Kyoka Done
4. Purple-Eyebags
5. Brown-Roundface
6. Green-fucking Deku
7. Red-Shitty Hair

Ok, I put down the pencil and look at the list. That's seven colors and nine people. I think about how I feel about the other people on the list. I'm pretty sure that I don't feel the same way about them as I do about any body else. I could only be effected by one more person so I'll have to wait and see.

Although I haven't really thought too much about how I feel about Roundface and Eyebags. I do know that with Deku it's complicated but there's nobody else that compares to how I feel about him.
I also know how I feel about Kiri and that's going to be the hardest one. I don't want to lose him as a friend, but I won't be able to not tell him the whole truth without the risk of losing my feelings.

Ugh! Why does this have to be so fucking difficult. Emotions make me feel weak, but Aizawa said that they are needed to make a good hero.

I stop for a moment and think about how everyone has reacted so far to me telling them how I feel. They all seemed really happy. Which actually made me feel kind of good.

Does that mean that emotions are actually a strength? Fuck, there I go again. Acting all soft because of these fucking emotions.

For now, I'm going to lift some weights and then work on the last of my homework. I've had enough emotions for today.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings, I think sarcastically.

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