🤍Part 13🤍

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The sun rose and poured into the motel rooms. The team was already up and ready for the fight to come, Steve, Sam and Bucky were the last ones out as Y/N and Wanda stood waiting by their door.
"Men take forever." Wanda rolled her eyes and Y/N laughed. The door swung open and out marched Sam and Steve.
"Where's Buck?" Y/N asked Steve.
"Inside. He's almost done but we have to go and meet with the rest of the team in town."
"I'll stay with Bucky. I'll see you guys soon." Y/N offered and they nodded, the three walked down the stairs and headed into the next town over. Y/N entered the room and saw Bucky pulling on his boots.
"Come on Sergeant, we don't got all day." She sat on the bed and he chuckled.
"I'm almost done." He got up after tying his boots and put his knives in his holsters.
"The team is waiting for us. The two groups should be coming soon." Y/N said. Bucky turned and looked at her. She cocked a brow and smiled.
"I want you to stay."
She pulled her brows together and let out a breathy laugh.
"What? Stay?"
"Yes. Here, in the room, until we get back. You'll be safe."
"...Ha Ha Bucky. Funny joke." She faked a laugh and stood waking towards the door.
"Come on we're gonna be late."
"Y/N i'm serious!" His tone made her hand drop from the knob and look back at him.
"Stay. You can get hurt."
"That's kinda apart of this job. I need to fight today, to help these people and my friends." She scoffed.
"I said stay! You need to heal more, your nose isn't done! I can't have you getting more hurt and pulling us down!" He shouted, she backed up at the hurtful words, looking at him shocked.
"...fine...i'll stay." She whispered and sat on the bed. He sighs and walks over to her, sitting next to her and putting a hand on her knee.
"I'm sorry. I don't mean to raise my voice but I don't want you to get hurt more. Please just stay here."
She nodded and he gets up grabbing his gun, he heads to the door and opens it.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." He smiles and shuts the door.

She sits on the end and watches from the window, she sees him walk into the woods going towards the other town. She closes the blinds and quickly grabs a spare knife sitting on the table.
"Stay, my ass. Like I'm going to listen to you." She mutters and leaves the room, carefully keeping a distance between her and the team until the fight begins. She was crouched behind a building, turning on the coms she heard the team talk about the plan. As she listened she heard footsteps coming from behind her, she snapped her head and saw two Swedish men walking with their guns. Running behind a car she listened as they spoke, they were scanning the area and made sure no one was interfering with them. They hadn't seen the Avengers yet so they turned and walked away to go around the building, just as they turned she took out the knife in her holster and threw it. It stabbed into the tallest guys back and he fell to the ground with a groan, she jumped out from behind the car and attacked the other armed man. Grabbing the gun she used it to pull him down and kicked his head making him fall unconscious. Grabbing the gun she marched over to the injured man and hit him with the barrel of the gun to shut him up. She huffed and slung the gun over her shoulder, going back into her hiding position.
"Two down. More than 50 to go." She put her knife back and waited for the time to fight.

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