🤍Part 10🤍

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-Bucky's pov-
I opened my eyes and looked down at my chest, Y/N was sleeping peacefully with her hand around my waist. A small smile formed on his face as he looked over at the clock. 5:02 AM. He knew it was too early and that they wouldn't have to leave for another 4 hours, shifting his body he went back to watching Y/N. Her hair fell on the side of her face lightly blowing as she breathed out, her lips parted a bit and her skin glowing from the moon coming in through the sheer curtain. He loved seeing her sleep, especially on him. She was absolutely stunning to him, perfect in every way. Every imperfection she saw, he saw as another thing to love about her. For years he's wanted nothing more than to do what they did last night and now that it's happened he can't help but feel sad. Their agreement was to just be friends, there was too many things getting in the way for them to ever peruse a relationship and that broke his heart. He watched as her chest rose and fell with her breathing. This moment. This right here was picture perfect, he took a mental picture and smiled as to never forget the night he had his one and only next to him, even if it nothing could come of it he still had her right now, for 4 more hours she was his and that's all he cared about.

Y/N's eyes open and glanced over to Bucky's side. He is curled up in the sheets facing towards her, his arm draped over her waist. She smiles to herself and brushed hair out of his face placing a quick kiss to his temple. She slowly gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom to get ready. Staring at herself in the mirror and sees the marks he left behind on her neck, the fading love bites decorated her chest and collar bone. She smiles as she traces over them replaying last nights activities in her head. Hopping in the shower she allows the warm water to cascade over her body and relax her sore muscles.

"Morning Beautiful." Bucky greets her as she enters the room in a towel. His eyes gaze over her body then smirks. She walks over to him and he puts his hands around her waist. Leaning down he connects their lips in a passionate kiss. She lets out a moan and deepens the kiss, he squeezes her hips and pulls back pulling his lip between his teeth.
"We can't.." He let go and went to grab his shirt on the floor. She looks at him confused and walks closer, putting a hand on his shoulder she stands in front of him.
"Are you okay?"
"Fine. We should go, Steve and Sam are waiting for us so we can leave." He grabs his bags and exits the room leaving her in her alone. She stares at the door and feels a tinge of sadness strike her heart.

They board the jet and set their things down, securing them in a bin near the exit. Steve and Bucky go to fly it out of the hanger and put it in auto pilot once high enough.
"What's wrong with you and lover boy?" Sam nudges her shoulder and nods his head at Bucky speaking with Steve.
"I don't know. He's just being his regular moody self."
He chuckled and it earned a look from Bucky.
"He has a stick up his ass all the time. How do you deal with him after all these year?"
She smiles thinking back to the 40's Bucky and how different he was back then.
"He wasn't always moody. Back in the 40's he was completely different. He was outgoing and comfortable around crowds, making friends with everyone but now he's...distant. It sucks." She sighs.
"Hey, I'm sure there's still characteristic from the 40's in his body. Just gotta get them out." He patted her hand on her lap and she gave him a small smiled. Bucky scowled at him touching her and turned his body back towards the sky.

The back of the jet erupted in laughter as they got closer to the compound. Y/N told him stories about Bucky in the 40's and the big fight that introduced them. Sam made jabs at younger Bucky and how nerdy he was, making Y/N laugh and hit his shoulder.
"Hey! He was a cute nerd." She defended him and giggled. The jet landed and the four got up, grabbing their bags and exiting the aircraft. They were greeted by the rest of the team and they all went into the building to unpack before dinner.
"So. What's going on with you and hubby?" Natasha wiggled her eyebrows. Y/N shook her head and laughed, nudging her away she entered her room and threw her bags down.

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