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Today is the first day of school for y/n and they are pretty okay to say the least, beside the crippling anxiety. It's not that they are worried about something bad happening but more in the sense that with any new experience you are bound to feel a little jittery.

Well that and the fact that y/n woke up late and had to get ready in under 3 minutes.


Normally y/n wouldn't be late to things but unpacking and organizing everything yesterday took longer than expected. Speaking of yesterday, y/n was thinking that it would be great if they didn't meet with that spiky bastard; they would rather not tussle with anyone today. Plus, if they did get into an argument Aizawa would be sure to punish them by training an extra day.

" God; either way Aizawa is gonna make me train harder if I get there late" y/n said to them self

Y/n got there 3 minutes late and as punishment had to introduce themselves in front of everyone.

Ugh how embarrassing...

" uh hi, my name is y/n Aizawa, sorry for being late" y/n said with a slight smile

" AIZAWA?! ARE YOU MR. AIZAWA'S DAUGHTER?????!" a curly green haired boy said almost falling out of his chair

" Technically, yes- Aizawa is my adopted father" y/n said

" Adopted?" a girl with pink skin said

" Yeah, i was adopted when I was young, but I don't have any memories from before then, so it's no use asking me questions about that" y/n said

At this point y/n was just tired from standing and really wanted to sit down.

" Okay enough questions, y/n please sit down, i'm going to start class" Aizawa said finally joining the conversation

And not a moment too late

There was only a seat left so y/n didn't have to choose where they said. They walked to their desk which was on the far right side by the window, their seat was second to last.

Damn a window seat, aren't they usually the first choice? I wonder why its open

And then y/n spotted a familiar spiky blonde hair

Oh... that's why- man this is going to be a long year.


Okay so this chapter is a bit short sorry about that. I noticed that in the last chapter I spelled Aizawa wrong, sorry my king I didn't mean to disrespect you like that :O So if you didn't notice yet when Y/n is talking in their head its Italicized and y/n has a very interesting past hehe, but you'll have to read to find out what it is. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! -N3WBI3 Out-

I Never Knew...( Bakugou x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن