Chapter 17

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"Please, can we just... have a few words with (Y/N)? Please," Edd whispered, a begging look in his chocolate eyes. (Y/N) took a quick glance at Tord, who's dull light blue eyes burned holes into the tall brunette.

"Fine, I'll be nice and give you ten minutes, make it quick!" Tord growled as he walked outside, phone in hand as he began to call someone up.

(Y/N) let go of Tord's arm and ran up to Edd, wrapping her arms around the boy's neck as she lightly sobbed into his arm. Edd was taken aback from the girl's actions, but he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around the girl. He placed a hand on (Y/N)'s head, stroking her hair as he whispered comforting words into her ears. There was complete silence until (Y/N) spoke up, her voice wavering as she did, "I'm so sorry. I never wanted you to find out like this,"

Edd tightened the hug, afraid that he would never be able to have the girl in his arms again and this would be their last chance to see each other again. "Hey, it's okay. I know you'd never do anything to hurt us," Edd said, his tone soft and caring.

"No, it's not okay! You could've gotten hurt or even worse!" Edd hushed the girl.

"But now you're forced to go with Tord. I know I might have pushed you away after finding out about your secret," Edd released (Y/N) from the hug, now holding her hands in his as he looked into (Y/N)'s eyes. A loving look in his own as he continued, "But I promise you that I never wanted you to feel as though I didn't care about you anymore. In fact, we all wish this could've gone a different way,"

(Y/N) turned her gaze to Tom and Matt, who gave her comforting smiles once her eyes laid on them. Smiles that were so contagious, (Y/N) couldn't help but instantly smile back. "I know you probably won't remember this but," (Y/N) watched as Edd bit his lip, his nerves catching up to him. "Do you remember that day at the amusement park, when a group of girls were fawning over how... cute, we were?"

Edd received a nod in response, "Well, there was something I've been wanting to tell you, ever since that day," the tall brunette felt his face flush as he remembered the day. The memory was so clear as though it happened just yesterday. "I remember feeling so flustered when the girls thought we were together. I didn't know why then, but I know why now," the brunette placed a hand on the girl's cheek. He looked into (Y/N)'s glossy eyes, a shocked look in her eyes as she felt a smile creep up onto her face.

"It's because I lov--"

"ALRIGHT, TIMES UP!" Tord interrupted, he kicked open the door. A slight smug on his face as he pulled (Y/N) away from Edd's arms.


While (Y/N) had her last few moments with the group she had, unfortunately, grown close to, Tord had made a call to one of his soldiers.

The phone rang twice before he heard a familiar voice answer, "Hello sir, is there a problem?"

"No, Paul. In fact, I have wonderful news," Tord said, a smirk tugged at his lips as he continued, "(Y/N) is coming back,"

A small gasp could be heard, "So, you found her? Is she okay?" Paul exclaimed, a slight concern laced his voice.

"Yes, she is fine. I need you and Pat to help me with (Y/N). In case she gets a little... uncooperative," the dark tone that Tord held on the last word brought a chill down Paul's spine, but he agreed either way. He told Tord that they would be right over, which pleased the Red Leader. At least something would be going as planned.


"Wait, I'm not don--"

"TOO BAD, EDWARD! I can't have you and the other two getting in the way of my plans again!" Tord wrapped his arms around (Y/N), his grip tight and protective. A dangerous glint was in his light blue eyes, the glare he gave the group caused them all to lightly flinch. The three of them were once again scared of what power Tord held over not only them, but also (Y/N).

"Tord, please. Don't do this again," Edd said, a small hint of sternness in his tone. Tord squinted at Edd, confused by the sudden courage the usually soft brunette had gained. "You're only hurting yourself by doing this,"

The leader's eyes widened at the statement. While he knew what Edd said was true, he would never admit it. If only he hadn't come this far, if only his brain hadn't been corrupted by power. Then maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't have come to this. But unfortunately, that wasn't the case. "So what? I have everything I need in my arms," Tord squeezed (Y/N) tighter, "You're just another obstacle in the way of my success!"

Edd looked down at the ground, a look in his eyes that could be either shame or disappointment. "So, you really don't care about us, do you?" Edd walked up to Tord, "Did you ever care about us? Do you even really care about (Y/N)?" said girl turned her head to look up at Edd, "Or is she just another pawn in your game. Another stepping stone for you to reach your, so called, 'success,'" Edd made small quotations with his fingers.

Tord looked up at Edd's hostile glare with one of his own, "How could you ever insinuate that I don't care about (Y/N)!" Edd rolled his eyes at Tord's words.

"Really? After playing us," Edd pointed to Tom and Matt, who watched the scene from afar, "like a damn fiddle!" (Y/N) felt herself getting concerned by Edd's fury. It was a side she had never seen and most likely one Tord wouldn't take liking to. "And you have the audacity to speak like this!"

Tord sneered as he pushed Edd away with his good arm, "Do what you want, say what you want. It doesn't matter," Tord laughed, "In the end, I have (Y/N). That's what I came for and I completed my objective,"

Edd was about to retort back, but was interrupted by the sound of a car horn. A smirk tugged at Tord's lips, "Well, it seems our ride is here,"

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