Chapter 12

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"Hm?" (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open as she tried to sit up, only to be stopped by a pair of arms that were wrapped around her waist.

The arms tightened around (Y/N) and pulled her back down as she was pressed against her "capturer's" chest. After being able to pull herself away a bit, she got a good look at the person's face, her eyes widening and her heart started to beat fast as she stared at the brunette, who looked so peaceful as he slept.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Edd said with a slight slur to his voice.

(Y/N) felt herself get flustered at the sudden nickname Edd gave her. Edd didn't realize what he said yet, his demeanor calm as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and gave (Y/N) a tired smile. His smile fading as he noticed (Y/N)'s, what he thought was, uncomfortable position. "Is there something wrong?"

(Y/N) didn't say anything at first, but after calming their beating heart they spoke up, "...Sweetheart?"

Edd didn't understand at first, but his face exploded into red as he thought back to what he had said the minute he had woken up.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to call you that! Sorry if I made you uncomfortable!" Edd ran out of the room, covering his face and leaving (Y/N) to process what just happened.

(Y/N) took some clothes from the clothes Edd and the gang offered her before heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower, hoping to get her mind off Edd's slip up.

Meanwhile, Edd began to make breakfast as him and (Y/N) were the only people up. He made some breakfast sandwiches before thinking back to what he had said, "Good morning, sweetheart,"

Why did I say that? I mean, I do like her... like a lot, but I can't just say that!

Edd's mind suddenly wandered to the dream he had. Once he had fallen asleep at (Y/N)'s side, he began to have a dream about her.


The two were back in the park. (Y/N) laughed at Edd's pun, her laugh made Edd's face heat up and his heart beat faster.

Everything about her seemed so perfect to him. Whether it be her eyes that shined whenever she was happy or the effect she had on him making him smile and feel as though he had butterflies in his stomach.

"I love you!" Edd heard (Y/N) say, her smile soft and loving.

"I... I love you too!" Edd said with a closed eyed smile as (Y/N) placed a soft kiss upon Edd's lips.

To Edd, it felt like he was on cloud 9 and as much as he wanted the kiss to last forever, they had to part. (Y/N) smiled once more as she laid her head on Edd's chest. Edd instinctively wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s waist, keeping her close to him.

And that's where the dream ended.


Edd was brought back to his senses by the sound of whispers. He could hear them though they were faint. "Is he having a stroke?"

Tom's tone was nonchalant and unconcerned as usual. Edd shook his head and noticed Tom was taking some sips of water, considering he had been blackout drunk last night and was not about to let his small headache grow throughout the day. "Ah, you're back. What were you thinking 'bout?"

"Nothing!" Edd blurted out, receiving a finger from Tom, his sign that Edd was being too loud and making his headache worse. Edd cleared his throat, apologizing for raising his voice as a blush covered his cheeks. Tom rolled his eyes, but gave a tiny smile that was replaced with a smirk as he noticed a specific person come into the kitchen.

"Guess I'll leave you two alone," Tom laid a hand upon Edd's shoulder, "Good luck!"

Edd and (Y/N) watched the eyeless man walk out of the kitchen with a sandwich in hand. The two took a seat across from each other. The tension was so thick it was almost suffocating. While Edd died inside from embarrassment, (Y/N) was internally screaming at the fact Edd had called her 'Sweetheart.'

Edd was the first to speak, though what he said, wasn't what (Y/N) had hoped to hear.

"If you need me, I'll be in my room," (Y/N) nodded as she watched the brunette walk out of the kitchen to leave her with her thoughts.

Well, about to.

(Y/N)'s phone rang and she picked it up, not bothering to look at the caller ID as she had a pretty good idea of who it might be. Edd was in his room, Matt had gone out and Tom was at work by now, so it was just her and Red Leader.

"Ah, my love! I was just dropping in to see how the mission was going," Tord said, cutting straight to the point. "I hope it's going well,"

The memories of her nightmare came flooding back. (Y/N) felt her heart sink and her eyes tear up a bit, but she kept her composure. "I've gained Tom's trust, but I need a little more time,"

"How much more time do you need? It's been three days! Four if we count today. Sweetheart," (Y/N) felt herself physically cringe at the nickname.

When Tord would call her pet names, it felt weird and out of place as, unfortunately for Tord, that love was one-sided. On the other hand, when Edd called her 'Sweetheart,' it made her feel loved and comforted. The feeling was a beautiful feeling as no matter how wrong it felt, it always felt right.

"I feel as though you're lying to me. So, please tell me, are you really telling me everything?" the distress in his voice, both loud and clear.

"Yes, I've told you everything. I... assure you I'm not lying,"

A sigh could be heard on the other side of the line as Tord's voice grew weak. "Why am I not surprised? Talk to you tomorrow, (Y/N),"

Those were Tord's last words as he hung up the call. A sickening feeling grew in the pits of (Y/N)'s stomach, yet she brushed it off. Hoping it would turn out to have just been a false alarm. Though she trusted her gut enough to know a storm would be arriving soon. A storm that could break both property and lives.

I'm so sorry for the short chapter. I've been having a lack of motivation, but not to worry. I will finish this story until the end! I assure you my motivation will kick up once we close in on the final chapters of this story. An ending that I hope will not disappoint.

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