13| french pasteries

Start from the beginning

"I don't know how you cook this well..." I said putting a forkful of pasta in my mouth.

"Mom and Dad worked alot and being the oldest I had to cook for my siblings."

"You said you had two? Right?" I said

"Yeah they're twins. Hannah and Chase. They're seniors in High School."

"What do your parents do?" I asked.

"Mom was a teacher and dad is a electrician."


"Yeah, my mom came down with a heart condition. The stress really did it in for her and so my dad made her quit her job. He's been working overtime to pay bills and I send money when I can." he says it like it's nothing.

"But she's alright?"

"Shes great. She donates to a soup kitchen. Her hearts fine and she keeps busy." he smiled.

I didn't know what to say. Obviously I knew his family had money struggles but I didn't realize to what extent.

He broke the silence. "I was on the phone with my mom a few days ago and I forgot but she said to tell you hi." he continued to eat his pasta.

"You told her about me?" I asked.

"We'll yeah... she's dying to meet you." his eyes finally met mine.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. So I didn't say anything. I grabbed his jaw and pulled his lips to mine.

Fireworks didn't shoot throughout my body. A party of butterflies didn't erupt in my stomach. But I knew this was my person. The was his lips fit against mine.

He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me to him before finally letting me go. I just stared at him. We sat in a weird but comfortable silence.

I helped him clean up after dinner. "Wanna watch a movie?" he asked. After we kissed he just watched me. His gaze never on anything but me.

But he kissed me back.

"Not really." I said. I sat back on the counter and crossed my legs. "I want to help you cook something."

"We just ate." he laughed.

"Then bake something." I said.

His eyes lit up. He set flour and sugar and a bunch of other ingredients out on the counter.

"Come on princess." he helped me off the counter and handed me an apron.

He placed a KitchenAid on the counter and plugged it in. He measured a cup of flour and let me dump it into the bowl.

After I made a mess with the flour he just let me watch.

I was back up in the counter eating chocolate chips from the bag.

"Ok, ok," I said. "Um favorite kids movie?"

"Now? Rapunzel." he said. Adding a spoonful of butter into the bowl.

"That's my boy." I said throwing a chocolate chip at him. "You're turn."

"Favorite Adult movie?" he says turning the mixer back on and turning his attention back to me.

"Adult as in bad or just not a kid movie?" I said raising my eyesbrows.

"Alina I-don't-know-your-middle-name Bardot!" he scoffed.

"Geez!" I said throwing another chocolate chip at him. He opened his mouth to catch it but missed. "It's Titanic and I'm-never-telling-you."

"I'll tell you mine." he says.

"I already know yours..." I smile.

"How?" his face goes completely cold.

"Tucker." I laugh.

"Oh my god." he says, his forehead leaning against the KitchenAid.

"It's ok I promise never to tell anyone... Reece Harold Adair." I crack up and he hides his face with his arms.

I pull his arms away from his face. And he finally looks at me, really looks at me, since we kissed.

"Titanic?" he asks, stopping the mixer and plopping the dough onto the island ready with flour sprinkled across the countertop.

"It's a great movie." I say. I hop off the counter and stand across from him on the counter. "Bake me like one of your french pasteries, Reece."

"What?" he says rolling out the dough.

"I was paraphrasing Titanic. My god you really are hopeless." I say.

He rolls the dough out into a thin sheet. His arms flexing. I want to reach out and grab him but I realize that might be weird considering I kissed him and he didn't even say anything to me. He acted as if it didn't even happen.

He hands me a heart cookie cutter. "Do you think you can do this?" he asks.

"Ha-ha you're so funny." I say rolling my eyes. "I'm very capable of cutting hearts out of dough."

"We'll you can't blame me. I thought pouring flour into a bowl would be easy enough for you and look-" he pointed to the floor where I made my flour mess.

"We don't talk about the flour incident..." I say cutting a heart into the dough.

He gets jam out of the fridge and hands me a spoon. We spread it on the cookies and place another on top of the jam. He starts pressing the edges down with a fork and I copy him.

After we're done making them, I pull my phone out and take a picture.

"This is totally instagram worthy

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"This is totally instagram worthy." I say. He puts them in the oven and I wrap my hand around his neck and kiss his cheek. I snap the picture and save it to my phone.

"I wasn't looking!" he says setting the timer down

"We'll don't be a girl about it." I say. His features go still and my flight or fight response kicks in.

"Did you just call me a girl?" he asks. I know he's playing but I have the indication I should run.

"There's a... possibility." I say.

He lunges for me and I run.

All Yours {BOOK 1 OF THE LAURIE U SERIES}Where stories live. Discover now