"Careful, now." I tell her as I stick my hand inside my pants to adjust myself. All while never breaking my eye contact from her.

"Sorry." She whispers and looks the other way and grabs her bag.

I eye her as her wipes down her face and neck with a hand towel. Looking down her body, I finally take the time to really admire it. Her stomach is toned from—what I can guess from dancing—and her ass is round, big, and firm that fit perfectly with her thick thighs that hide under her sweatpants. Her tits are just as big and perky and I remember when they were in my hands and mouth just forty-eight hours ago. I wonder if it'd be bad if I slam her against the mirror and fu—

"You're staring at me like you want to devour me, Mr. Clarke."

I look up to see Nina looking at me with a shit eating grin on her face. Her grin soon falls when I smirk and take a step towards her.

"You say that like it's a bad thing?" I tilt my head, staring at her.

She visibly gulps and looks anywhere else. "It is. You're my teacher."

I stop and finally take the time to really look into this situation. She is my student now and I can't fuck this up by getting involved with her. Not only could I get fired and sent to prison but Nina could get expelled. I'm not willing to make that risk. Well, at least not yet.

"You're right." I sit up straighter. She looks back up at me with furrowed brows and parted lips. "I am your teacher and this is highly inappropriate."

She looks around my face but then stops at my lips. It takes everything in my not to grab her by the throat, pull her down on her knees and demand she sucks me off. I put my hands in my pockets and take a step back. That seems to shake Nina out of the trance she was in because she shakes her head and looks back up to my eyes.

She smiles and nods her head once. "Great! Let's pretend that none of it ever happened."

Unlikely, but okay.

I can still see the heated desire in her eyes when she looks at me. How the pulse in her neck beats quicker when I'm close to her or how her breath hitches when I look at her lips. She wants me but she's fighting it. I should back down and focus on only being her teacher but plans change. And right now, my plans involve having this gorgeous young woman on my bed tied up.

I'm a patient man. I will wait until she succumbs to her desires. It's not like I want a relationship with her. I don't want to cuddle up with her on the couch and watch TV or take her out to face dinners. I want to fuck her. Hard. That's all. I can easily find any girl to sleep with but I've never had such great sex with anyone else. I crave more. And so does she.

"Sounds good, Miss Adams." I give her one more glance over before turning around and exiting the small room.


I stop and turn around to see Nina walking up to my side with her bag hanging off her shoulder. She smiles at me and I raise a brow.

"Walk me to my car?"

I give her a confused look but decide to just nod and we both start walking towards the front of the school where both our cars are parked.

"So, how was your first day of teaching?" She asks as we make it to the main hallway of the school.

I shrug and look down at her. "Fine. How was your first day back?"

She gives me another one of her bright smiles and I can't help looking down at her lips.

"It was good. Dance tryouts are tomorrow and I'm doing a duet with a boy from my grade."

That peaks my interests.

"The boy you were talking to at lunch?"

She giggles and looks away. "Ah, I knew you were watching me."

"How could I not? You ass was basically out."

Her eyes go wide and I can't help the chuckle that leaves my lips. We make to the parking lot and I walk her all the way to her car.

We stop when we get to her car and she turns around to face me. "Thanks for walking me."

"You're welcome." I take a step towards her. She takes a step back but ends up hitting the side of her car and I smirk.

"Mr. Clarke." She whispers when my face is close to hers.

"Miss Adams."

"I—" Her breath hitches when I take a final step so that our bodies are now touching. I hum in question when she doesn't continue what she was saying and I can see her look from my eyes to my lips. I bring my hand up to her cheek and lightly caress it with my fingers. She closes her eyes and I lean in more so that my mouth is next to her ear.

"See you tomorrow at school." And then I step back and walk to my car. I don't even need to turn around to see her expression. I grin and get into my car and drive off.

Oh this is going to be fun.


Mr. Clarke - COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora