Chapter 1

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(Leorio's POV)

It seems like each time Kurapika retrieves a set of eyes, his heart is still not satisfied. I wonder if after he retrieves them all, if he will be truly content. Honestly, sometimes I wish he would focus on me more than his clan, but every time that thought travels through my mind, I feel disgusted. How could I be so selfish?

I've been studying for my licensing exam, but it's hard to because my mind is filled with thoughts of Kurapika.

I hear a familiar voice interrupt my train of thoughts.
"Hey." Kurapika says.
"Oh. Hey, sunshine." I reply, softly as I take my earbuds out.
Kurapika's cheeks blush with a bright pink hue as he hears that old nickname.
"How is studying going? I don't mean to interrupt, but I brought your favorite. Oreos!" Kurapika says with a gentle smile.

(Yes his favorite is Oreos obviously)

"Thank you. It's going fine, but I have had some trouble focusing."
"I hope that's not because of me."
"Not at all." I say, clearly lying.
I feel guilty lying to my friend, but I'd feel worse if I was honest.
"How is it working for the Nostrade family?"
"Not exactly what I thought it might be."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No, not necessarily."
"Well, I'm sure it's more interesting than learning about how to conduct a clinical study."
"Isn't that sort of stuff know, clinicians?"
"You're right. I have no idea why we are learning about this."

We both chuckle in unison. It's times like these I want to tell Kurapika everything. About how I feel. About him, his work, specifically the dangers of it. I know he wants this, but is it the right thing for him? Will he be filled with more hatred and rage once he gets the last of his clan's eyes? Will he spiral? I know he is a strong person, but he seems like he has a hard time bottling his emotions.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Kurapika asks.
It was at that moment, I realized I was staring into his eyes.
"Hm? Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I think I'm getting tired."
"Nice save, Leorio." I think to myself.
"No need to apologize."
"Sor-" I stop myself quickly.

Kurapika chuckles to himself. Seeing him smile is a rare sight, so that's why I cherish those moments. The way his lips curve upwards slightly sends me into a fluster. (This is so cringey, help me write💀)

"Your cheeks are red, are you ok?"
"You know, its really hot in here." I respond as I use my fingers to bring my shirt up and down to "cool me off."
"Really? I think its sort of chilly."
I gulp down my embarrassment and continue with some small talk.

"Hey, are you busy tonight?" I ask.
"Well my shift gets off at 9 pm, but after that I go home. Why do you ask?" Kurapika responds.
""Do you want to get drinks? Catch up a bit more?"
"Well, you know I'm not much of a drinker, but sure. Why not? Just a couple though."
"Sounds good."
"Excuse me, Mr. Paladiknight. You're needed in room 103." One of the nurses says.
"Well, duty calls. See you tonight, sunshine."
"Goodbye, Mr. Paladiknight."

Instead of responding verbally, I send him a goodbye gesture with my fingers and a wink.
It's kind of funny how much of an effect that man has on me. For lack of better term, he was my Kryptonite.

(Y'all know I had to use a superhero analogy because I know Leorio is obsessed with Marvel and DC.)

My weakness. But he was also my strength, he helped me become who I am now. And for that, I owe him. I know I like him, but sometimes I wonder if I love him. And whenever that happens, I immediately push those feelings down. After all, I know he doesn't feel the same way. He's so nonchalant that even if he did, I would never know. That'd be pretty disappointing.

A few hours have passed and I'm getting ready for drinks with Kurapika. I put on a thin, white dress shirt with my dark blue jacket. I adorn my outfit with my lucky green tie and pull it tight. I put on my freshly polished shoes and go to the bathroom to fix my hair. I run hair gel through my hair and spray myself with Ocean Air cologne. It may be cheap, but it smells amazing.

The feeling of the soft breeze blowing against my skin and hair makes me feel less nervous. Whenever I'm jittery before something important, I go out on my balcony and watch the sky and listen to the obscure noises of nature. I hear a muffled buzz from my pocket.


Hey, are we still on for tonight?
read 8:39 pm

I text back quickly with a "Of course! :D"
read 8:41 pm

No response, of course. That's one of the many things that piss me off about Kurapika. It's hard to stay mad at him though. I walk out the door and out to the parking lot. I open my car door and nervously tap on the steering wheel as I drive to the bar. I get out and walk into the building and I immediately see him.

"Kurapika..woah. You look.."
"I know I look dumb in this suit."
"No, not at all. That's not what I meant. You look great. Very professional."
"Why thank you. You look...erm.. like the usual?"
"Charming, as always." I respond sarcastically.
I follow him to the seats and the reality sets in. This might be a date.

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