"Basilton," Bunce greets from where she sits across from Wellbelove.


"Morning, mate," Niall greets me as I sit beside Bunce. "We tried to find somewhere else to sit, but everywhere else was taken."

"I can literally hear you," Bunce says next to me. "We all know you just have a crush on Agatha."

"Piss off, Bunce."

She snorts, taking a bite of her breakfast, and I roll my eyes, grabbing a scone off Niall's plate.

"Dev," I say, nodding at him even though his head is down, his hand flying across paper quickly, his handwriting messy. (Sometimes I wonder if his teachers can read it.) "Morning."


He doesn't look up, and I make a face at him.

"Dev's forgotten to do his homework again," Niall explains.

"Baz—" Dev says quickly, looking up at me in a panic.

"Devon," I interrupt dryly, because I aim to annoy others.

"Do you have the magickal history essay?"

"I turned that in last week," I say with a full mouth.

"Ugh." He rolls his eyes. "You're the worst."

"I'm literally the best."

"Second best," Bunce interjects.

"Shut up, Bunce."

Wellbelove giggles, but I don't spare her a glance. (Niall definitely does. I can sense the butterflies in his belly from here.)

"You're awfully chipper this morning," Bunce says. "Does this have anything to do with you asking where Simon is every five seconds?" she asks dryly. I ignore them, watching Dev scribble his essay.

"I'm not asking every five seconds, Penelope," Agatha retorts. "I'm just wondering."

"Actually," Bunce says, her voice muffled slightly. "I am too. Where is he?"

It's quiet for a second, and then Niall elbows me. I look at him and he jerks his chin in the girls' directions.


"Where's Simon?" Bunce asks.

"I don't know, I'm not responsible for him," I say in an irritated voice.

"You live with him," Wellbelove points out.

"So?" I make a face and finish off Niall's scone.

"He's right there," Niall says before Bunce can argue, and we all look where he's pointing.


He really is stunning.

He's walking toward us, a scone stuffed in his mouth as his hands adjust his tie, curls falling in his face. Our eyes lock for a second, and I remember that he woke up in my bed this morning. That I woke up in his arms. I look away, hoping I don't have enough blood in me to blush. I take another scone from Niall's plate.

"Can you fucking not?" he says, trying to swat my hand away. I hold eye contact with him as I bite into it. "Wanker."

"Morning," Snow says when he slides into the seat next to Wellbelove. (Across from me. Fuck.)

"Simon," Bunce says, sans greeting. "Can you explain why Agatha is so happy this morning?"

He looks at Wellbelove and a smile creeps across his face as she grins, and he jerks his head in a go ahead gesture as he bites his scone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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