Chapter Eleven Party Time

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Kyson's Prov

Today is a special day for Rain. We have been working on setting up a party to celebrate the arrival of your beloved and queen. The whole vampire realm well see her for the first time other than Tyson and I's parents. Brice her step brother or what ever he is to her was easy to get along whith when we aren't fighting.

Through him we found out nearly every thing about her. She loves sharks and wants to swim with them. Haha only in her wildest dreams would that ever happen. Favorite color is a saphire blue. Likes to see other people smiling. Rain will make a wonderful queen. Can't say wonderful beloved because she already is.

"What arw you three doing up so early?" Rain's soft sleepy voice said. The three of us turned to look at her. Out of habit my brother and I picked her up and rubbed our noses in the crook of her neck. She relaxed in our arms before kicking at us to put her down. Brice just chuckled and said awe how cute and stuff like that.

"Hey bub guess what?" Rain said and you can see the wheels in her pretty head spinning hundred miles an hour. Through the link that we share we can hear her thoughts. What caught us by surprise was when she thought this, "Sick him boys!" Tyson and I looked at her like umm we're not bitches here and we don't sick people it's just weird.

"You two are old kill joys." She pouted playfully. We peppered her face with light kisses before letting her bare feet skim the floor. Her eyes went wide all of a sudden and pulled on our hair to attempt to make us bind down some. Rain whispered, "Party time lets go." Running full speed out the door Brice shook his head and followed suit.

"Kyson I do believe she can read our minds now." Tyson said looking at me shocked. "Got that right crackers! Hurry up I want to make chicken spaghetti!" She yelled from down stairs. "Well I guess karma bit us on the ass." I said as we walked halfway down the stairs.

"You two are vampires you should be faster than a snail." Rain said with a glare. Which failed when be began chasing her down the steps. Her laughing and giggling got us to smile but damn she is bossy this morning. "Brice boil the chicken!" She yelled at her step brother or what ever still haven't grasped the consept yet.

She and Brice where making their version of chicken permishon. It was was funny when he told her not to add any spices to her chicken spaghetti but she did anyway when he had her back to her. By the time her noticed it was to late she got a couple of good shakes in. "She's your two's beloved help me out and keep her away from the damn spices." He growled, his temper fuze running out.

"Bub move your ass please." Rain said which earned a massive sigh. She laughed and he moved out of her way. "This is going to be a fun party." Tyson said in a low whisper and I nodded my head in agreement. "Kyson when I'm done cooking this we're taking Tyson to get a tuxedo." She said turning to us. The look on Tyson's face was priceless. "Oh that includes you to Kyson." She said with a smirk. Brice started laughing hard untill she wacked him over the head with a thick wooden spoon. "So are you but instead of just me being a critic the boys are too." She added.

Rain's Prov

After wacking my brother upside the head I told how it's gonna be. Tyson and Kyson looked at me like no we're good it's just you. Come one where is the fun in that. Brice is driving his mimi van to Men's Warehouse. Haha I'm gonna have fun with the tree of them.

"Okay you three lets go!" Said as I rushed out the door. Brice groaned and my sexy beloveds wrapped their strong arms around me. Just as we we're about to enter the massive store Drake the dumb ass exited and his eyes landed on me. Man life dislikes me right now. "Fancy meeting you here Melody's daughter." He said with a creepy grin stretching across his face.

"Your really starting to piss me off fuck shit." I said coldly. He looked at me like I know you want me, talk about eww! Pushing past him I entered the store full of tuxedos. Tyson and Kyson followed close behind me.

Looking around for suits for them I played tricks on all three by hiding in the ring racks of suits. Gay guys would hit on them and I would just laugh. Especially when they had to get their mesurements oh I wish I would of recorded that. You maye thinking wouldn't you be jealous? Haha nope not one bit to busy enjoying what is unfolding in front of me.

"You know love your next after this." Kyson said while trying to mask a smile. Tyson and my brother joined in with him. After they got their suits paid for Tyson tossed me over his shoulder. Kyson chuckled as he flipped me over so I was facing the celling. So both of them were carring me at the same time one has my legs and the other my shoulders.

The put me in the back in the middle with them and had my brother drive. Something is up and I have a feeling about what is was. It was my turn to get a dress well damn.

My brother decided to pick a dress store that was full of girls. I wasn't happy who am I kidding I was beyond pissed. Plus the gut feeling I was having only made it worse. Kyson and Tyson pried me out of the car at some point they used a damn crow bar cheaters.

Walking in all the girls attention was on me. Thirty of them pushed the boys out and locked the door. One thought went through my mind oh shit. Their eyes went blood red and their fangs grew.

"Let's find you a perfect dress child." One said and they all scattered in diffrent directons. Well okay then scare the shit out of me. Four pairs of arms wrapped around my waste. By the tingles I know its Tyson and Kyson they were laughing. "Haha very funny. I was nice to you three I didn't know those boys would hit on you." I said and playfully pouted.

Going through dress after dress we finally found one that we all four liked. Yeah I'm cranky now had no lunch ad it's dinner time. Well for me it is sence I'm still human. "Sweetheart we can eat human food to so don't worry about it. Come on who's in the mood for Mexican." Tyson said and I tried dragging them to my brother's van.

They passed seventeen Mexican restaurants and didn't slow down to turn in like what the hell I thought we were getting Mexican food here. Kyson and Tyson laughed and said, "We're almost home sweetheart." What the hell I want to get something to get and they put the damn windows down so the wafting scent of food would go througj the van.

My stomach made a sound the sounded like a dieing walrus. All three looked at me like damn girl when was the last time you ate. They pulled into the drive way and into Tyson and Kyson's room. I went to the bathroom to change into the dress. When I can out the boys mouths dropped and my brother gave them a warning glare.

Heading down stairs there were so many people well vampires. Some were dancing to music and others looked like they wanted me for dinner. "They wont hurt you love." Kyson said reassuringly. You can guess that I danced with my beloveds till they called for their attention an announced me as their beloved and queen. They all cheered and went back to dancing. What a nice night after I had some Mexican food which they had at the party.

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