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Cover for _sakshiimishra_ . Even though I don't do requests anymore I made an exception because it's Missy. <3 I was bored so I made it into a dust jacket.

 <3 I was bored so I made it into a dust jacket

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Original cover:

Original cover:

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Not inclusive of the extras I used to make the dust jacket

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Not inclusive of the extras I used to make the dust jacket. I'll put them down  below

^ originally a picsart sticker that I converted into an overlay

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^ originally a picsart sticker that I converted into an overlay

^ originally a picsart sticker that I converted into an overlay

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Well, obviously the book was the inspiration. Missy told me the genre and the title and I started getting ideas. She wanted a dark themed and simple cover, and I thought that a raven would be fitting since the book is called The Raven Tapes. I wanted to do a crow against a landscape since the book is set on an island. I found one of a forest, and decided to use that. I found a picture of a raven that I thought suited and added it to the picture. A lot of editing the light source, brightness, contrast and curves later, I became satisfied with the lighting  etc. I thought that the cover was missing some elements so I decided to add some rain and a moon. More editing later, I was happy with the result!

Fast forward twelve hours, a day later, I got bored. So, I decided to try to turn the cover into a dust jacket! If you don't know what that is, it's that removable cover thing that comes with hardcovers sometimes. So I did some quick calculations to find the width of the hardcover (1124 px) and added my cover so that it fitted the canvas. I decided to add a raven to the spine since I found it a bit plain.

Thanks for reading~ bye~

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