A/N and previous works

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Hi there! This is my second graphics portfolio I have a previous one called cotton candy on my profile. You're welcome to check that out at any time as well. If you have any feedback, critique, suggestions, I would love to hear them I am always looking for chances to grow as a designer. I will also be posting some of my better covers that I want to place in this book in this chapter as well. Also EYE RAPE WARING (I can't edit. I really can't. :/ So read at your own risk XD)

Now onto the covers! (Please load, please load) Oh also please do not steal any of my covers OR graphics my watermark is always on the graphic it just might not be very prominent so I'm trusting you guys not to steal (tbh I dont think anyone would wanna steal my horrible graphics but oh well)

Now onto the covers! (Please load, please load) Oh also please do not steal any of my covers OR graphics my watermark is always on the graphic it just might not be very prominent so I'm trusting you guys not to steal (tbh I dont think anyone would...

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Yes, all of the covers here are premades (mostly because I get super duper bored alone and I have no one to entertain me so I either wait for inspo or I randomly generate a graphic prompt) er I'm gonna delete one here simply because it's taking too long to load and I'm impatient. Okie byeeeee~~

ELAINE:: Graphic DumpWhere stories live. Discover now