Chapter Twenty One- Chasing love

Start from the beginning


Muvuri shuffled his feet as he made his way to the throne room knowing that Toga would be present. Dramatically falling on the floor of the throne room opening, the assembly of men looked back startled. Wincing from the fall, he grabbed onto his hip from the pain he had endured from throwing himself so harshly onto the ground. He began to speak, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"I saw Amasa in the territory up North, hurry and fetch her before war is brought forth..."

Toga lifted his head.

"Ziyani get the maidservants and find out of Amasa's whereabouts! Where is Runesu?"

Rima remained quietly seated in his corner as slight panic took over the room. Chief Moyo glared at him. Toga was not completely convinced with what he had just heard considering that Muvuri had not said much. Muttering arose from the king's council.

"Where are the warriors anyway! Why should this even be an issue at this point?"

"My king, you ordered for the resting of the men last night don't you remember?"

One of the advisors answered.

"I never said that! Do not put words in my mouth! Amasa! Where is my daughter! Amasa!"

"Let's calm down Toga, she might be getting fresh air, she might have gotten tired of the hut."

Chief Moyo calmly spoke to Toga. Tension built as the men that were gathered waited for Ziyani to come back with his report. Ziyani scurried back into the throne room with no sign of Amasa, looking small and sad of the consequences that were to follow.

"Where is she!"

Ziyani shrunk into his skin, hesitantly answering through a nervous stutter.

"Runesu and A... Amasa cannot be found, I gathered all all the maidservants outside."

"Where is Menhe! Call him to report immediately!"

"He... He is nowhere to be found as well my King. I gathered all of the Royal guards outside as well."

Muvuri staggered as he weakly lifted his bony frame off the ground. Not attempting to dust of the sand stuck on his thigh and side, he began to clear his throat.

"Your highness can still be found, down the empire path she will be located... Raaaattattaa raaaaaa!"

Trembling and shaking his head profusely, Muvuri shouted sounds to emphasize the presence of the 'spirits' speaking and taking through him.

"Get all the warriors! We are going right now!"

Waving his tsvimbo around and placing it onto the ground in attempt to stand up from his throne, King Toga wobbled off the platform to get to the warriors outside. Getting up quickly from his seat, Chief Moyo went to steady his younger brother, holding his arm and helping him get down.

"Don't worry Toga, we will get her back. You have to stay though, you are not in good health. I swear on my life to do whatever it takes to get her back. Stay."

Toga's eyes were glazed with moisture.

"She's all I have left Moyo!"

"I know my brother, I know. I always got your back and you know that. Let me go, Amasa will be back here before the sun sets alright? Now sit down."

Moyo felt the chills that were running through Toga's body, he was shaken and weak. Hopeless and lost.

"Sound the bulls horn! We are going to war if we have to! Gather the men!"

Chief Moyo shouted as he ordered the kingdom, exuding power that declared it's authority in every Pokoda man's ears.

Rima smirked. The day where he sat back and his passive father took action for bloodshed had actually arrived. He did not speak a word and slipped outside to hide in a cave below in Karimba village.

Organized chaos proceeded. Men marched in their masses, collecting special weaponry on their way out that had accumulated dust from the lack of use. Holding the pristinely made shields, with fur head straps seated on each man's forehead, bow on back, dagger on waist and fear within each man's chest from the abruptness of it all. Still pushing ahead, not knowing if they would come back alive and embrace their families for another day.

Running in the tall grass towards the old empire was a blurry moment for the men, moving in masses towards the enemy, showing dismay only in their eyes and courage in their strides. War was appearing to be inevitable. Chief Moyo felt responsibility heavily weighing down on his chest, he was his brother's keeper, he needed this to end. If anyone longed more for Toga's peace than he himself, it was Moyo.

Running in the sunny savannah fields, the sun caressed the ebony skin of the running men. A day no one would antedate for bloodshed. The sun stood center above the lands when they reached near the mountains. Instructed by Moyo to stop, he stood before them with a stern look on his face. Dropping his shield and throwing his left arm in the air curled into a fist, Chief Moyo commanded the attention of all the men.

"Look into the mountains men! Do you see the Shintu standing with malice in their eyes? They are angry and bitter that we tore their kingdom apart and are now here to tear down ours! I cannot say that we are in the right but you are here to stand for our people and your king, his heart has always been in the right place! Amasa is all he has and for the peace of our lands we must get her back! Take courage and keep your heads held high men of Chevron, we shall rise and conquer!"

Picking up his shield and lifting his spear, Moyo pointed towards the mountains with determination taking over his face. Eyebrows creased with his chest high, he gave confidence to the men who watched him.


With that, the men attacked, running forward with fiery hearts, acknowledging the weight of responsibility that they carried on their shoulders. They had to protect Pokoda and bring the peace that once resided in their lands to return once and for all.

The Shintu men could be heard in their numbers, shouting and spilling down from the high mountains like fire ants from the red soils. Outnumbered but courageous, The warriors took heart. It had to be done. This was war.


Hello my Jelly babies🤗

Hope your hearts are happy like you make mine.

You wanna finish the book with me? I know that we can do it.

Your love and support continually melts my heart.❤️

Remember to vote for every chapter and comment.

Keep being your sexy self. 🙊

I see you sweetie.😉




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