finding out part 2 and waking up

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Here comes the doctor

Family of Hailey Nelson doctor how is she well she's in recovery it was touch and go for a while she coded while in the OR she does have bruising on the side of her face from the caste iron skillet and a bruised cheekbone now we are concerned about the bruising on her brain cause it's caused it to swell so we won't know anything until she wakes up
Okay can we go see her yes but only two Michael you should be the one of the ones to go okay aunt Lorraine go you should go to too okay

Time skip to Hayley's room Hayley oh my god so I called your father he's here he came I understand when you wake up if you hate me I told your father that you should go live with him the rest of your years and stay in Australia because you always dreamed about going I'm sorry I lied to saying everything I said I'm so sorry but I love you so much I'm going to send Kelly back mom I don't hate you I love you where is he right here kiddo do you want me to go get a doctor yes I feel nauseated and I have a really bad headache miss nelson your mom tells me you feel nauseated and that you have a really bad headache yessir I don't feel good what do you mean nurse I need 5 mg of midazolam Sir Now pushing now Slowly Seizure has stopped page nuro

tell them we have a possible subdural hematoma and that we need a CT done Now

After the CT scan was ordered okay we need to take her to get her a CT scan I'll let you know where we will go from there okay mom Mom Dad Dad what's going on someone please No I want my parents they can't come with you but they can wait down here in your room how does that sound sounds good I guess
Okay now this test will take about 15 to 30 minutes okay Time skip to after to CT scan okay I have some bad news okay what caused the seizure was a subdural hematoma now there is a brain surgeon coming down and he is going to take your daughter to the OR if we don't do this she could die because it is at a 5 right now if it gets to a 10 it will kill her and what do you mean miss nelson Doctor I'm asking you to perform a craniotomy Save our daughter

Okay your lucky I'm qualified for it

Time skip 6 hrs after the surgery okay the craniotomy was a success but now it's wait and see but you can go in and see her thank you your welcome

Time skip to waking up again Hailey yeah mom hey your dad's here hey mom yeah what's going on well ever since you were born I stayed in contact with your father and I called him when the break in happened why why did you lie WHY Hailey I was trying to protect you your father is high up in the Australian military and has many enemies and he agreed with Me as long as I kept him up to date on everything and it's obvious that you are no longer safe with me so your going to live with your father WHAT YOU ARE FORGETTING IS I KNOW SELF DEFENSE YOUR ALSO FORGETTING THE RECOVERY TIME FOR THE SURGERIES I JUST HAD THATS LIKE 3 WEEKS ALL TOGETHER AND I HAVE THE HAWAIIAN MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING BECAUSE OF MY SURFING TRIP TO HAWAII BUT REALLY I don't know him how is he going to help me Hailey Iris I will always be there for you but you have always wanted to go to Australia this is your chance and I'm not going to stop you from doing this

You really want me to go No but your safer with your father and he deserves his time with you him and his family okay. okay

Am I interrupting no doctor now your going to be in the hospital for a week and half because of trauma you indured also there's still some swelling we need to keep an eye on and some bruising on your brain okay also there's some bruising on your chest area so you Why hasn't the swelling on my brain gone down yet you need time By the why doctor yes miss nelson do you know anyone in Australia I do why do you ask well my mom just told me after I'm discharged and I'm cleared to fly I'm going to live with my dad in Australia And I'm just trying to cover my ass before hand understood well your in luck
He is a Dr Richard Parkinson he is one of the best spinal surgeons and neruosurgeons as well

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