Legacy of Power

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Author's Note: Time for Lewis to learn some secret family history. RIP to the legendary Jason David Frank, he was the greatest Power Ranger for a lot of reasons and this is a great episode to remember him by. Enjoy!!!
Lewis' POV
When I was getting ready for the day, my phone started beeping. I picked it up and got a message from mom saying, "Hi sweetie! Sorry but I have to work late tonight. Love you!!!" Somehow, I just accepted that my mom started working another late night. I messaged back, "Love you too, Mom!" As I was getting dressed, I heard my Dino morpher beeping and I answered, "Lewis speaking."
"Hey Lewis, did you get a word back from Dr O?" Connor asked. "Sorry, man. I thought maybe he was working on some secret project. Maybe we'll see him at school." I replied.
*Timeskip to end of school*
Lewis' POV
"This is bad." Kira said. "Way bad. Worse than crashing after getting Level 9 in SNSW." Ethan retorted. "Eh?" I asked, having no idea what he was talking about. "Super Ninja Space Warriors!" Ethan explained and I rolled my eyes. "Okay look, don't you think we're getting a little TOO freaked out about this?" Connor asked. "Dr O doesn't show up for my gig then misses a full day of school without calling. I'd say we've achieved exactly the right level of freaking out!" Kira retorted. "I guess there's only one way to find out what the good doctor's been up to." Ethan said and then walked over to Tommy's computer. He then was able to hack into Tommy's computer and a video of him came up. The video of Tommy started, "I'm Tommy Oliver. And if you're not me, then something is seriously wrong. This video diary is a confidential record, only to be viewed in case of emergency. What you're about to see is a history of my life."
Connor says, "And more dinosaur bone stories, yawn."
"Beyond my history as a Power Ranger." Tommy continues. "Okay, unyawn." Connor retorts and I snicker softly. Dr O continues, "My story begins in Angel Grove. When 5 teenagers with attitude were recruited to fight the evil space sorceress: Rita Repulsa. They harnessed the power of the dinosaur to become Earth's first Power Rangers." All of us then saw footage of the very first power rangers taking down some minions and safe to say, it was surprising and also kind of amazing to learn who were the original power rangers. "Under the guidance of intergalactic being, Zordon, Trini, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Jason bravely defended Earth which forced Rita to create her own ranger." Tommy said in his voiceover. "Okay, so where's Dr O?" Kira asked. "I think we're gonna find out." I replied to her as the video diary cuts to Angel Grove High. "I'm Kimberly. You're new around here, aren't you?" The pink ranger said to a familiar face in green. "Yeah, I'm Tommy." The younger Tommy said as he introduced himself to Kimberly. The video diary then cuts to him being captured by Rita Repulsa. "This boy is truly the one that shall become my evil Green Ranger! Arise, my Green Ranger!" Rita said before she cast a thunderous spell. "How can I serve my empress?" The hypnotized Tommy said in a monotone voice. The video diary then cuts to him in his green ranger form attacking the power rangers with Tommy's voiceover, "She commanded me to destroy the Power Rangers and I almost succeeded." It then transitions to Kimberly in a gym quietly saying to Tommy, "I know you're the green ranger." Tommy then says evilly, "Well then, pink ranger, you should also know that you and the other power rangers will soon be destroyed." It then cuts to the red ranger blasting a laser at the green sword in Tommy's hand, freeing him. "You're no longer under Rita's power. Fight by our side and we can defeat Rita!" Jason says to Tommy. "After everything that's happened?" Tommy asked skeptically. "Tommy, we need you. It's where you belong." Jason says and Tommy briefly looks over to Billy and Kimberly. "Will you join us, Tommy?" Jason asks, offering his hand and Tommy willingly shakes it. "And that's when I joined the team. But not for long, we soon discovered the green ranger powers were only temporary." Tommy narrated. "As you are aware, the green ranger's power was completely decimated by his last few battles. Alpha and I felt it was time to create an even more powerful ranger to combat Lord Zedd and his diabolical evil. And now my friends, I present to you: THE WHITE RANGER!" The head in a tube named Zordon said and the original rangers see the white ranger make a dramatic entrance from a shining light and as he removes his helmet, it was Tommy, "Guess who's back?" Ethan then paused the video diary to take it all in with Connor saying, "Our teacher is the oldest, living Power Ranger." Hayley then comes in, surprising Connor, Kira and Ethan as she says, "Not the oldest. Just the best." I smiled as I said to her, "I had a hunch you were working with Dr O in some way." Hayley gave an impressed look to me and after Kira asked her what does she know, Hayley replies, "I know that Tommy is in trouble and that you four are the only ones who can help me." I then asked, "Hayley, how long have you been helping Dr. O?" She explained, "I've been helping Tommy prepare the Ranger energy since grad school. Who do you think built the morphers? I mean, Tommy's good with dinosaurs and fossils but a rocket scientist he ain't." "And let me guess: you are." Connor said and Hayley nodded. "Okay, so you know who we are. You know what we are. Do you know where Dr Oliver is?" Kira said. "I think I have a pretty good idea." Hayley replied and then got out a disc to put into the computer and we watch surveillance footage of Tommy being taken by some tyrannodrones during Kira's gig. "Why didn't he just morph? I mean, he's a power ranger." Connor said, wondering why he got taken off so easily. "Not anymore or didn't you get that far." Hayley said and she then shows the next part of Tommy's video diary. "Try to escape this, Power Rangers!" A villain shouted, sending a thunder strike onto the rangers while they retrieved a sword. "A new villain, Lord Zedd, was destroying Earth and with 3 rangers leaving, a new power source had to be found." Tommy narrated and it transitions to the rangers headquarters with Jason, Trini, Zack passing on their powers to three new rangers named Adam, Aisha and Rocky. But as it is with new teams, there must always be new challenges as Rita and Lord Zedd combined their powers to create a new monstrosity named Rito. "The new team fought bravely but it wasn't enough. Rito destroyed our zords." Tommy narrated. "It looked like we lost more of our zords. We lost our powers." A younger Tommy said somberly. Things seemed bleak until it cuts to a ninja saying to the rangers, "Your journey is about to begin!" Tommy then says, "A Ranger never gives up. Zordon sent us on a quest to find Ninjor, a warrior from the past who showed us the secrets of the ancient ninja. Our quest complete, we gain new weapons, new zords and new enemies. But along with new enemies came new friends." It then transitions to Tommy meeting a blonde girl named Katherine. Soon enough, Katherine would be the one to have the pink ranger power when Kimberly decided to leave. "And just in time, we were under attack." Tommy narrated as the command center was being blasted at and after the rangers were safely teleported away, the power rangers base was destroyed. But not all hope was lost for the rangers after they found a huge crystal, Tommy begins to narrate, "Beneath the ruins, we found the Zeo crystal, a mystical power that guided us into the next chapter of our lives as rangers." Zordon then said, "Rangers, the power of the Zeo crystal now resides within you. It will bestow upon you powers beyond your imagination!" Former blue ranger: Billy returns and says, "Okay guys, this is the first test of your new powers." "Power Rangers! ZEO!" The original power rangers said in unison. It then cuts to younger Tommy and someone running away from some robotic minions and Tommy narrates, "The Zeo powers were awesome but when we needed reinforcements, we turned to an old friend."
"The new gold ranger's right here." The footage of Tommy in the Zeo command center says and it turns out the gold ranger is the former red ranger: Jason. It then cuts to a high school graduation and Tommy's voiceover comes in, "After high school graduation, we were ready to face the world. But not before going on one last adventure as rangers, it was time to shift into a higher gear. The old rangers were gone forever but the turbo rangers were born. A space pirate named Divatox launched an attack on Earth, we were given the powers of turbo and took her head on with a little help." It seems that the new blue ranger was a young pipsqueak named Justin. Now I just feel bad for Rocky. Soon enough, it was time again to pass on the torch and a noble group of teens named TJ, Cassie, Ashley and Carlos were more than qualified to be the Turbo successors. Hayley then paused the video diary to speak, "After that, Tommy went to college where he met yours truly. But when he found the Dino gems, he knew he could never escape the power for long."
"It seems how I don't want this to be the end of the line. Can we get back on the subject of finding Dr O?" Ethan said, wanting to stay focused.
"Hey, I just thought of something. What about invisiportals? They're all over the city. If we could find one, we could get into Mesagog's lab." Kira said.
"I've been working on that very thing. Unfortunately, I need just a little more time." Hayley said. After Connor asked what to do now, Hayley simply replied, "Here, watch more of your heritage. You might learn something." She then pulled up the next part of Tommy's video diary which showed Divatox and her minions invading the Turbo rangers' command center. "Divatox was tough and the piranhatrons were relentless. Divatox wasn't ready to give up and staged a fearsome attack, taking out the Turbo rangers' command center and their powers with it. She headed for space and Earth's ultimate destruction." It then transitions to TJ, Carlos, Ashley, Cassie getting into a rocket in pursuit of Divatox and then meeting a new ranger named Andros and as Tommy narrated, "He was just the kind of leader they would need to take on a new enemy. An enemy called Astronema." Astronema who looked like a mixture of punk rock and space soldier then said to her minion to destroy the former turbo rangers. "They thought they had no hope but Andros brought them the Astro morphers, bringing forth a new team." Andros then said, "Alright let's rocket!" The rangers then morphed into the Space Rangers. It then transitions to the team discovering someone in a stasis chamber and after Cassie asks who  it is, Andros appears and says, "His name is Zane. He's a silver ranger." Tommy then narrates again, "The space rangers freed Zane from his deep freeze and the Silver Ranger was a noble addition to the team. Together, they defeated Astromena and the Earth was safe. But deep in space, another battle raged."
The video diary then transitions to 5 swords in a forest just waiting to be picked.
"On the distant planet of Mirinoi, 5 new heroes: Leo, Damon, Kendrix, Maya and Kai retrieved the Galaxy Sabers and were chosen to be the Power Rangers of the Lost Galaxy. They would have to combine their powers to defeat their mortal enemy: Trakenna." Tommy narrates as the 5 Lost Galaxy Power Rangers were formed. The video diary then shows Trakenna's ship about to destroy the space colony called Terra Venture that the Galaxy Rangers were protecting. "Trakeena threatened to destroy the space colony and took on a horrifying new form. Red Ranger and his battalizer were the colony's only hope." Tommy narrated as the Galaxy Red Ranger was in his huge battlizer and fired a shot at Trakenna, destroying her and the space colony forever grateful to the rangers. It then transitioned to an underwater headquarters as Tommy narrated, "Meanwhile, on Earth, an elite team was being put together to fight a new invasion of demons." The people that were being recruited to become rangers, looked familR. I didn't realize it until I saw 2 familiar faces. "Hey wait! Wait, wait, stop the video!" I said and Ethan paused the footage.
"What is it?" Connor asked me. "That guy in red being recruited and that woman with blonde hair...those are my aunt and uncle!" The 3 rangers looked at me in disbelief. "Dude, your aunt and uncle were Power Rangers?! How come you never told us? That's awesome!" Ethan said. "Hey, I always knew them as my uncle, the firefighter and my aunt, the nurse." I replied.
"Well, guess our problem's solved then. You can call them up. Say that Dr. O needs their help and-" Conner said until I stopped him.
"Conner, it's not that simple. Mariner Bay is too far from Reefside and I don't even think my uncle and aunts are done with their shifts. It was a good idea but I don't think we would have enough time to get the both of them." We then continued watching the video, learning more about the Lightspeed Rangers until Hayley paused and said she just found a hole through Mesagog's firewall until sadly, the screen showed 'SEARCH FAILED'. "Either I'm losing my touch or Mesagog is really smart...for a mutant freak." Hayley said. Suddenly, the computer began to retrieve more Ranger history, showing a spaceship going through a time portal and crashing somewhere. "My friends and I are from the year 3000." A woman in a white time suit began to say, until Ethan paused it and ask, "Whoa hold up, Power Rangers that came from the future?!" Kira then came up with an idea to possibly contact them and take them back in time to when Dr O was kidnapped. I objected, "I don't know, Kira. Yeah, they came from the future but I don't think they're here NOW! They're probably back in their current time." Kira retorted, "It's worth a shot. Let's see if this tells us how to reach them." Kira continued to play the video and we only learned that these rangers, later called Time Force, traveled through time to take down a mutant criminal from the future and that Eric became the quantum red ranger. "That was sick but not hopeful." Ethan commented after watching. "Okay but what about all the other rangers? I mean there must be hundreds of them all over the place! Couldn't we team up and scout all over the city?" Connor asked. "It's not that easy. Most rangers don't have their powers anymore. Some never wanted them at all." Hayley replied as she brought up footage of the next rangers. "We need a fifth ranger." The white ranger said with some hopelessness. Then, the yellow ranger replied, "Calm down, guys. I say we're doing fine, just the way we are." Tommy narrated as a red ranger was shown on screen, "Cole joined and the Wild Force rangers used spirits of the ancient animals to fight the evil Orgs: creatures determined to conquer Earth through pollution and destruction. The final member of the team was Merrick, the Lunar Wolf." After showing a nice shot of the Wild Force rangers together, Ethan said, "Meanwhile back in reality, we still have no way to find Dr O." Hayley said, "I know there's at least 1 group of rangers. They had a guy named Cam. He was even more of a genius at this than I am." Conner then suggested, "Try typing in Ninja Storm. My twin brother went to this super secret ninja school, everyone knew a few of the students got chosen to be rangers." Ethan asked, "Your brother was a Power Ranger?" Conner laughed and replied, "Nah, he couldn't even finish ninja school. He's like a total airhead. We're so different." I joked, "Eh, I'm kind of looking at an airhead right now, buddy." Conner then gave me an angry look and I smirked back. Hayley was able to find footage of someone that could be Cam showing the 3 new ninja storm rangers their morphers with the yellow ranger excitedly saying, "YES! I knew it, baby. I was right, Power Rangers are real!" While footage of the ninja storm rangers play, Tommy narrates, "3 unlikely ninja students commanded the power of Earth, air and water. It was the power of thunder that gave them their biggest challenge but their biggest enemies proved to be their greatest allies."  It also showed Cam going back in time to retrieve a new power with him becoming the green samurai ranger. As their battle with Lother is shown, Tommy narrates, "In their final battle against Lother, the rangers made the ultimate sacrifice." Lother says evilly, "I have your Ranger powers!" The red ranger retorts, "We may not be power rangers. But we still have POWER!" It then shows the ninja storm rangers using their ninja powers to destroy Lother. Ethan playfully comments, "Ninjas are real! I knew it!" I chuckled and said, "Eh, the cooler ones are real." Conner then showed a couple of moves his brother taught him which were some punches and then a spin kick, accidentally kicking a part of the wiring. Luckily, the end of Tommy's video diary started playing. "With the return of Mesagog, it became necessary to invoke the power of the Dino gems. Should anything happen to me, these 4 are charged with protecting the planet." Up came pictures of Connor, Kira and Ethan and me.
"You're in good hands." Tommy concluded.
"He really trusts us...." Connor said.
"We have to save him. We owe it to him." Ethan said, determined.
"The whole world owes him." Kira said and I nodded in agreement. We then got an alert and Hayley got a lock on an invisiportal. We all knew what we had to do now: Save our teacher, one of the most legendary Power Rangers in history, or as Hayley simply put it: the best.
Guys, I'm wondering. Should Lewis do a video diary like Tommy? Like he archives his own adventures as a Power Ranger, inspiring the next generation of rangers. Let me know in the comments down below! Have a great day, everybody!

Power Rangers Dino Thunder: The Hidden GemOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora