just gone.

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Word Count : 2618

In truth, a family is what you make it-and of it, together or apart.


The bang had made Leighton jump almost a foot in the air. No gun could be that loud, at least no gun Leighton had ever heard, and the rumble she'd felt the Earth make beneath was definitely a sign to attest to that fact.

Beth's head snapped up so fast to face the exterior of the cellblock that I was surprised she didn't get whiplash, and she paled, making me reach out and shake her. I'd never seen her like this-never seen her scared. Even when her boyfriend, Zach, died, she'd simply left to be alone for a day or two, and then she was back to normal. I can remember Daryl trying to comfort her, but she hadn't needed it-not even then. Beth was strong, and the least I could do was aspire to be like her.

My shaking seemed to jolt her out of whatever internal conflict she was struggling with, and suddenly she was up and moving, throwing things into bags all the while holding Judith, who she eventually shoved into my arms.

"You remember the emergency plans, right? Leighton, Leighton! Look at me, tell me you understand.. Yes, good. I need to go find Maggie and my daddy, you pack your bag and one for Judith, and you get to the bus unless I tell you otherwise. You got that?"

I nodded, face paling and eyes wide, and I started to cry out after her as she bolted out of the cellblock and to the yard, but shoved the fear back inside. Beth didn't need me to be clinging to her like a scared baby-I could do this. I could. I could protect Judy, and I could get our stuff, and by the time we got to the bus this would all be a hoax and we'd come back inside and eat.

Deep down, however, I had a sickening feeling that everything would not be alright, and I swallowed back a choking and stifling fear in order to set Judith down in her makeshift crib, packing my family photo and everything from my cell that I'd brought from Woodbury, even a couple things from the prison. I even put the knife that Carl had secretly given to me after Patrick's death on, he'd told me to be brave. To not be scared, and he quoted my inner thought, 

"No more little kid stuff."

The new weight of the small blade seemed to weigh me down, making my feet drag behind me with every step, and I ran to Maggie and Glenn's cell, seeing them all gone. Everyone in Cellblock C was gone, and I could hear shouting outside. Tears began to blur my vision as I slung on my backpack, getting a small duffel to cram with Judith's diapers and a bottle with formula, and then rushed downstairs to grab a couple cans of food to pair with my water bottle that Daryl had gotten me on a run. The unicorn stickers on it seemed to laugh at me, as I shakily refilled it and screwed the cap on, readjusting my bags.

"Always make sure you have easy access to your knife, Levi. Always, okay? My dad said next week he might even take us out and show you how to kill a walker, you need to know how, if you want to survive."

I shoved Carl's voice out of my head, fleeing upstairs to pull down a baseball cap of Glenn's over my fluffy and sweaty hair, hefting Judith up. I turned, surveying my cell. My blankets and bedding would have to be left, but I had what I'd need. I hoped, at least. I quickly tried to wrestle Judith into a carrier, salty tears dropping onto the small child's face, and shoved her bib in her mouth, making her gurgle.

"Shhh, I'm sorry Judy, I'm sorry."

I whimpered, and then the gunfire and screams began.

I heaved Judy's carrier up, taking off to the courtyard. I was faced with pure destruction and chaos. Everywhere around me was bloody, gunfire echoing in my ears and flashes banging in my eyes. I stumbled back, screaming as I ran into someone, who grabbed me. I calmed when I heard Lizzie's voice.

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