Chapter 7

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"(Y/n), wherever have you been?" Sako asked the (H/c) cat.

"Look out for the-" Izuku yelled but tripped on his own feet. A sack trapped the four cats. "Sack."


Outside Hitoshi watched the door to make sure that they were really gone.

"Well... guess they won't need me anymore."


Inside Sako tied the sack up.

"You came back?" He started to sob. "It just isn't fair."

"Sako? Sako, come quickly." Chiyo called interrupting the servant.

"Coming, Madame Chiyo, coming." Sako called back and ran into the kitchen to the oven, and he threw the sack inside of it. "I'll take care of you later."

"Oh, Sako, they're back." Chiyo walked down the stairs. "I heard them. Hurry, hurry, let them in."

Sako opened the door and she walked outside to nothing.

"(Y/n)? Kittens? Come here, my darlings. Where are you?" Chiyo said and looked for her beloved cats.

"Uh, allow me, Madame." Sako said and started to call for them too. "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty. Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty."

Izuku jumped up on the oven handle and listened to (Y/n).

"His name is Sh.. what?"

"His name is Shinso. Shinso." (Y/n) stated.

"Abraham deLaco Giuseppe Casso-" Momo started but her mother interrupted her.

"Oh, never mind. Just run, move, go get him!"

Izuku fell and started to run towards the door.

"I told you it was Sako." Eijiro taunted his brother.

"Aw, shut up, Eijiro."


Outside with Chiyo and Sako, Chiyo sighed in defeat.

"Oh, it's no use, Sako. i'm afraid it was just the imagination of an old lady." She paused. "But I was so sure that I heard them."

"I'm so sorry, Madame Chiyo." Sako apologized.

Izuku ran to the road and saw Hitoshi tail round a corner.

"Mr. Shinso!" He ran past Hitoshi, who looked very confused on why a mouse just ran by him. "Hey, stop!" Izuku started to pant. "(Y/n). Kittens. In trouble. Butler did it."

"(Y/n) and kittens in trouble." Hitoshi said. "Look, you go get Aizawa and his gang of alley cats."

"Alley cats?" Izuku asked with wide eyes. "B-but I'm a mouse."

"Look, I'm gonna need help."

"You mean, you want me-?"

"Move! Just tell 'em Shinso sent you, and you won't have a bit of trouble." Shinso said and ran back to (Y/n) home.


Izuku ran all the way to a dark alley and he started to sweat like crazy.

"No trouble, he said." He shivered. "Well, that's easy for, for what's-his-name to say. He's got nine lives. I've only got one."

A cat's head popped out of nowhere and Izuku screamed. He ran away but a cat stepped on his tail, and picked him up.

"What's a little swinger like you doing on our side of town?" Aizawa asked.

"Oh, please, I was sent here for help by a cat."

"This is outrageous. It's crazy." Aizawa laughed, and dropped the mouse, who ran into a jar.

"But honest! He told me just to mention his name." Izuku said.

"So start mentioning the name, rodent." A big cat said and shook him out of the jar.

"Oh, now, wait a minute, fella." He stuttered. "Don't rush me. His name is Shimo."

"I don't dig him. Strike one." Aizawa said.

"Oh, oh... Shoto."

"Strike two."

"Oh, boy." He looked towards the cat with sunglasses. "You believe me, don't you?"

The cat looked towards his friend, who winked at him.

"Keep talkin', mousey."

"How about Shido." Izuku said. "Huh?"

"Mousey, you struck out." Aizawa said and flexed his claw out to Izuku's throat. "Any last words?"

"Why did I listen to that Shinso cat?!" Izuku yelled.



"Hold it, cats!" Aizawa yelled. "This little guy's on the level."

"You're darn tootin' I'm on the level." Izuku said and put his hat back on.

"We didn't mean to ruffle you, squeaky." A cat apologized.

"Don't worry about me. Shinso needs help! (Y/n) and kittens are in trouble."

All the cats gasped and ran for (Y/n)'s house.

"Come on, cats, we gotta split. Let's go save my future daughter in law and future grandkids!" Aizawa yelled as he led them to the battle.

"Hey, wait for me! You don't know the way!" Izuku yelled after them.


Hitoshi watched from the window as Sako held a sack and got off the phone.

Sako ran to the barn where Ochako was, with Hitoshi following him.

"Now, my little pesky pets, you're going to travel first class." Sako dropped the sack in a chest. "All the way to Japan. And this time... you'll never come back."

Hitoshi jumped in though the window and climbed up to the attic.

"Oh, no, we've got to hurry." Sako looked at the time, he started to push the chest across the ground.

Hitoshi growled and jumped on Sako butt and he ran towards the door and locked it. Sako ran towards the cat when Ochako grabbed his jacket with her teeth and pulled. Sako tried to open the door but he flew backwards instead on the chest and tried to push it, Hitoshi pushed back. Ochako but her feet in front of the chest.

Sako started to swing a sword at Hitoshi but he jumped out of the way. This kept going until Hitoshi ran into a corner. Sako threw the pitchfork but luckily it didn't hit Hitoshi.

Sako opened the down again and gasped as cats jumped on him and tackled him to the ground.

Izuku ran in and looked at the purple cat, who was trying to get out.

"Over there. They're in the trunk." Hitoshi pointed at the blue trunk. Izuku ran and tried to unlock the lock but he couldn't hear it.


Everyone paused and Izuku unlocked the truck, the cats and Sako continued to fight. Hitoshi jumps in the trunk.

"Everybody out of here, fast." Hitoshi said and picked up Momo by her scruff.

Sako closed the lid before they could jump out.

"You are going to Japan, if it's the last thing I do." Sako said and knocked the cats flying at him away.

The big cat dropped a hay bale on his head, and Aizawa dropped a bucket of water on his head.

Hitoshi and (Y/n) open the lid and jump out with the triplets behind them. Sako tripped into the trunk and slid out into the road. A moving truck pulled up next to the trunk.

"Well, Mac, this must be the trunk, eh?" A mover asked his friend.

"Yup. And she goes all the way to Japan." They picked up the trunk and threw it in the back.

All the animals smiled as the truck drove away. Eijiro started to hiss and meow at the truck. (Y/n) and Hitoshi laughed at him.

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