Chapter 6

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I lifted up the cover for the kittens to go in. Momo layed down underneath that blanket, Denki slid in on top of the pillow, and Eijiro jumped up and I kissed his head.

"Everybody wants to be a cat." Denki softy sang.

"Because a cat's the only cat. Who knows where it's at" Momo sang and closed her eyes.

"Oh, yeah." Eijiro added.

"Goodnight, my loves." I whispered. I jumped in the window sill next to Hitoshi.

"I'll bet they're on that magic carpet right now." Hitoshi whispered.

"They could hardly keep their eyes open." I giggled, sighing and looked up at the moon. "Such an exciting day."

"It sure was, and what a finale." Hitoshi chuckled.

"Hitoshi, your friends are really delightful. I just love them." I said and turned towards the cat.

"Well, they're kinda rough, you know, around the edges, but if you're ever in a jam, wham, they're right there." Hitoshi said.

"And wham, when we needed you," I added. "You were right there."

"That was just a lucky break for me, baby."

"And thank you so much for offering us your home." I thanked him as we went up on the roof. "I mean, your pad."

I laid on a couple of bricks and Hitoshi sat below me.

"It's very nice." I said.

"Well, now, wait a minute. This is the low-rent district, remember?" Hitoshi asked.

"No, I like it." I paused. "Well, all it needs is a little tidying up, and maybe a little feminie touch."

"Well, if you're applying for the job, well-" He paused and looked it to my eyes. "Boy. Your eyes are like sapphires. Gee. That's pretty corny though, huh?"

"Oh, no. Not at all. Anyone would like it." I chuckled. "I-I mean, even little Momo."

I sat up and Hitoshi sat next to me, with our fur touching.

"Yeah." Hitoshi said. "All those little kittens, (Y/n). I love them."

"And they are very fond of you." I said.

"You know, they need, well, you know, a sort..." Hitoshi started and intertwined our tails together. "Well, a sort, of a, well, a father around."

"Oh, Hitoshi, that would be wonderful." I smiled, but I remembered someone that is really important to me. "Darling, if only I could."

"But why can't you?" He asked.

"Because of Chiyo. I could never leave her." I sighed.

"But, Chiyo. Well, she's just another human. You're just her house pets."

"No, we mean far more to her than that." I said slightly angrily but I took a deep breath and calmed done. "I'm sorry Hitoshi. We just have to go home tomorrow."

"Okay. well, I guess you know best. But I'm going to miss you baby." Hitoshi sighed. "And those kids. I'm gonna miss them too."

I sighed and slowly pulled away from him and landed on the flat roof.

"Good night, (Y/n)." Hitoshi said.

"Good night, Hitoshi." I mumbled.

I almost turned the corner to go inside when I heard a small voice.

"Well, we almost had a father." Denki said.

"Yeah." Eijiro agreed. "Let's go back to bed."

It broke my heart hearing them say that. I want them to have a father. I do, Hitoshi would be perfect for them but it just didn't work out.


We finally made it home, the kits jumped for joy when they saw our home. Hitoshi just stared in shock at the place.

"Hey." Hitoshi looked at the street we were on. "Meow! What a classy neighborhood. Dig these fancy wigwams."

"Wigwams?" I asked.

"Are you sure we're on the right street?" He asked.

"Yes. Yes, let's hurry. We're almost home." I said and started to walk towards the house.


"Hooray! We're home." Eijiro cheered.

"Me first, me first!" Momo shouted and they ran for the house, Hitoshi and I stayed back by the gate, but the kitty door was locked and bonked their heads on the door.

"It's locked." Denki said.

"Come on. Let's all start meowing." Momo said and they started to meow.

"Look, there's Izuku." Eijiro pointed at the window where the mouse was.

"Hi, Izuku!"

"He's glad to see us." Denki said.

"I don't know what to say." I sighed. "I only wish that I-"

"Maybe just a short, sweet goodbye would be easiest." Hitoshi said and hung his head.

"I'll never forget you, Hitoshi Shinso." I said and made my way to the front door. "Bye."

"So long, kitten."

The door opened for us and the kits ran in but I looked back at the cat I fell in love with, one last time.

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