Chapter 4

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We have been driving for a couple of minutes and I could tell the kits were getting hungry. Hitoshi could too.

"Anyone for breakfast?" Hitoshi asked.

"What breakfast?"

"Where is it?"

"Right under that magic carpet. But we have to cook up a little spell. You know. Ready?" Hitoshi asked.

The kittens nod.

"All right. First, to make the magic begin, you wiggle your nose." Hitoshi showed them

They wiggle their nose.

"And tickle your chin."

They tickled their chin.

"Now you close your eyes, and cross your heart."

The trio closes their eyes and cross their hearts.

"And presto, breakfast." Shinso takes the rug off, to reveal a milk can.


"We did it!"

"Look, mama, look!"

The kits jump up and start to drink the milk.

"Why, Mr. Shinso, you are amazing!" I cheered.

"True. True." Shinso chuckled, but he went flying forward onto the driver's head and he screeched.

"SACRE BLUE!" The man yelled and jumped out of the truck. The kits and I jumped and ran for our lives. "YOU THIEVES! YOU ROBBER! MANGY TRAMPS!"

He threw a wrench and empty milk can at us.


"Oh! Oh, what a horrible human!" I yelled as we watched the man drive away.

"Well, some humans are like that, (Y/n). I've learned to live 'em." Shinso shrugged.

"I'll show him," Eijiro growled, and started to hiss.

"Hey, cool it, you little tiger shark. That guy's dynamite." Shinso said and stepped on Eijiro's tail.

"But he called us tramps!"

"I'll be so glad when we get home," I sighed.

"That's a long way off, so we better get moving." Shinso and we started our adventure home.

As we were walking the kits found a train track with railings on the side.

"Gee whiz! Look at that bridge! Come on, let's play train!" Eijiro said and jumped on a railing.

"Be careful, children," I warned.

"Momo's the caboose," Eijiro says and pushes her to the back, she gives him a look. "All aboard!"

They started to mimic the sound of a real train when we hear a real train. We all gasped and watched in horror as the train got closer.

"All right. Now, don't panic. Down underneath here." Shinso said and pointed under the tracks.

We hid under the bridge from the oncoming train and huddled together. When the train passed we leaned up to see if the coast was clear and we all sighed in relief.

"Mama!" I hear Momo shout. I look down and she is in the river.

"Momo!" I shouted.

"Keep your head up, Momo! Here I come!" Shinso shouted and jumped in the water. I gasped in shock and ran on the shore to a branch that hung over the water.

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