chapter six

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Chapter Six: I Like Your Brother Better

Chapter Six: I Like Your Brother Better

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The Next Day

Last night has been playing over and over in my head. It's like it's on a never ending loop. Almost like a song in your head that just keeps going on and on and o-

"Ms. Parker thank you so much for volunteering to answer question 5." My math teacher smiles at me. I quickly look at the problem and try to solve it.

"I think the answer is 4x^3 + 2xe^2x + 1/x." I'm talking calculus and let me give you some advice... don't take it. Or if you do make sure you have a good teacher. I don't understand if you don't like kids why are you a teacher then?

Mrs. Sallow has a sour look on her face like she just ate a warhead, "That is correct but pay attention next time." She says with her nose pointed high and then sharply turns back towards the board.

"What went up her ass?" I turn around and see a girl. She has beautiful black hair with red under it.

"She's always like this I think." The girl next to her says. She has pink hair that's pulled up into a high ponytail. "What do you think?" She asks me.

"Maybe she has something going on." I say but it comes out more like a question.

"You are too nice." The girl with black hair says. "I could never." We all laugh quietly.

"Girls is there something you would like to share with the class?"

"Nope." The pink haired girl says curtly with a smile.

"Would you like detention?" Mrs. Sallow says

"No why would I?" Reply's the pink haired girl.

"Enough! Detention all of you!" What?

"Fine by us." The black haired girl says. Um no not fine by us. I've never once gotten detention before and all of a sudden one thing happens and poof I'm a bad student.

The day is over thank the lord but then I remember I have detention. I'm peeing my pants right now I'm so scared.

I walk in to see my favorite teacher Mr. Taylor. He's a pretty old teacher considering he's been working here sense the school opened. "Willow have you come to visit me?" He asks with a sweet smile.

I smile back and reply "Hahaha yes but I also have detention."

"Detention? Now who on earth would give you detention?" He asks sounding upset.

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