Author's Note

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This originally started as a fanfiction, but I decided I wanted to use originial(ish) characters for this story instead!  Therefore, if you notice any similarities between the main characters of this story and the characters Levi and Erwin from Attack on Titan, that's because they used to be Levi and Erwin.   I kept the names because 1, I'm lazy, and 2, I'm planning on uploading this to AO3 as a fanfiction, eventually.  Also, the cover is a bit racy, yes!  If you're squeamish about sex, don't worry.  This is not going to be porn without plot, and if I do decide to include any sexual content I'll be warning you several chapters beforehand.  I haven't marked this story as mature yet because I'm not sure if I want it to be mature or more cutesy.

Can you tell that I'm not the best at planning ahead?

Anyways, here we go.  

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