Chapter 1

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A horse-drawn coach walks across a bridge with a small old lady, one cat, and three kittens in the back.

"Momo, my little one. You're going to be as beautiful as your mother." The old lady coos at the black-furred kitten. "Isn't she, (Y/n)?" The old woman asked the beautiful (H/c) cat with an (F/c) diamond collar on, who meows in agreement.

A little red kitten climbed on the carriage, and the woman noticed, "Careful, Eijiro. You're making it very difficult for Sako." She chuckled. The man playfully rolls his eyes and sets the kitten down.

"Whoa, Ochako. Steady, girl." The man says and pulls the horse to a stop. He gets down and helps the small lady down.

"Thank you, Sako." She thanked her servant. Ochako knickers. "Of course, Ochako. I almost forgot." The lady gives her some treats.

"Madame, uh, may I take your stuff, Madame Chiyo? It may be too heavy for you, Madame." Sako said and went to grab it when she walked away.

"Now, Sako. Don't fuss over me."

The two little kittens play around Ochako's feet and meow up a storm.

"Denki, come back here. Did you forget something?" (Y/n) asked. Denki, a yellow kitten, looks at his mother in confusion before realizing.

"Thank you, Miss Ochako for letting me rise on your back." Denki thanked the brown horse.

"Your welcome!"

"How was that, Mama?" Denki asked his mother.

"Very good! That was very nice." (Y/n) praised her son, and kissed his forehead.

"Come along, (Y/n), Kittens!" Chiyo called and walked inside her mansion. "Oh, and Sako, I'm expecting my attorney, Sorahiko Torino. You'll remember him."

"Of course, Madame."


Later on, Torino pulled up to the mansion in an old half-broken-down car with a sputtering and backfiring engine, humming a tune. "Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-a, Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay." He turns off his car and steps out and dances to the gate. "Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay, Ta-ra-ra-boom-d-" Torino freezes in place. "Oops! Not as spry as I was at 80, eh? Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay" He cracks his back and dances to the door and enters the mansion. "Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay!"

Sako watches the old man dance around and sighs, and puts a fake smile on. "Good day, sir, Madame Chiyo is expecting you." He greets and starts to take off the man's scarf.

"Evening, Sako! Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay." Torino greets and goes back to dancing, and he throws his hat on Sako's head, who was putting the clothes on the coat rack.

"Another ringer, sir. You never miss!" Sako laughs and Tornio walks up the stairs.

"Come on, Sako, last one there is a rotten egg." Tornio laughs.

"Could we take the elevator?" Sako asks.

"That birdcage? No! Elevators are for old people. Oops!" Torino says and slips on the stairs, but Sako catches him.

"May I give you a hand, sir?" Sako asks and sets him down.

"Do you have an extra foot, Sako?" Tornio laughs, but Tornio slips and brings both of them down.


"There we go, (Y/n). That's better. We must both look our best for Tornio." Chiyo pets her cat, who meows at her. A knock on the door interrupts them, Chiyo picks (Y/n) up and holds her. "Come in!"

Sako stepped in with bruises and looked very tired and sweaty.

"Announcing....... Mr.......... Torino.......... Sorahiko." Sako pants and Tornio walks in perfectly fine. The three kittens ran around his legs and meowed playfully.

"Oh, my goodness, Sako. I know it's him!" Chiyo said.

"Chiyo, my dear." Tornio chuckles at the kittens playing.

"So good to see you Tornio." Chiyo greets and hugs him. Tornio grabs (Y/n) tail on accident and kisses her tail.

"Still the softest hands in Paris, eh?"

(Y/n) giggles and covers her mouth with her paw. Chiyo softly chuckled at her friend.

"You such a shameless flatterer, Tornio."

Denki plays with an old patephone and a song starts to play. Tornio listens to it and realizes it's an old song that he heard of.

"Chiyo, that, that music it's from Carmen, isn't it?" He asked.

"That's right. It was my favorite role." Chiyo giggled.

"Yes! It was the night of your grand premiere that we first met, remember?"

"Oh, of course."

"And how did we dance the night away?" Tornio lightly grabbed her arm and started to dance with her. (Y/n), who was still in Chiyo's arms, watched with a knowing smile on her face. Momo and Eijiro run around their legs. Denki runs on the vinyl disk like a treadmill, and jumps over the needle, he misse judging a jump and yelps as the music stops. Chiyo sits down on the sofa.

"Oh, thank goodness. Ah, Tornio was just a pair of old fools." She giggled. Momo jumps on the sofa before Eijiro does and glances at him as she won, Eijiro glares and he wiggles his butt about to pounce. Before anything could happen (Y/n) give them the 'don't do it.' "Now, Tornio, do be serious. I've asked you to come here on a very important legal matter."

"Wha-? Oh, Splendid! Splendid!" Tornio walks over to a table and sits on the chair. "Who do you want me to sue?"

"Come on, Tornio, I don't want to sue anyone. I simply want to make my will." Chiyo said, and started to pet (Y/n), who purred.

"Will? Then who are your beneficiaries?" Tornio asked, and put on really strong glasses, and clicked a pen.

"Well, as you know, I have no living relatives," Chiyo starts to explain.


Downstairs Sako listens from a pipe. 


"And naturally, I want my beloved cats to always be cared for. And certainly, no one can do this better than my faithful servant, Sako."

"Sako, Chiyo, you mean to say you're leaving your vast fortune to Sako?" Tornio asked, and downstairs, Sako, danced around and blew kisses in the air. "Everything you possess? Stock and bonds? This-- This mansion? Your country's chateau? Art treasures, jewels and--"

"No, no, no, Tornio, to my cats," Chiyo interrupted.

"To your cats?"


"Cats?" Sako gasped.


"Yes, Tornio. I simply wish to have the cats inherit first. Then, at the end of their life span, my entire estate will revert to Sako."


"Cats inherit first! And I come after the cats. I, me, after-- no. It's not fair!" Sako says and stands up, and hits his head on the pipe. "Ow! I mean, each cat will live about 12 years. I can't wait. And each cat has nine lives, that's four times twelve multiplied by nine times. No, it's less than that. Anyway, it's much longer than I'd ever lived. I'll be gone. No. Oh, no. They'll be gone. I'll think of a way. Why, there are a million reasons why I should! All of them dollars. Millions. Those cats have got to go."

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