17 - I'm a Mess

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The day of the party was approaching quickly. Ray turned into a professional party planner and basically told me how the whole thing was going to go down. He managed to group up practically a whole team of people to make the party happen- who probably weren't helping because it was my birthday or anything, but because they caught mention of us throwing a party on halloween night.

Apparently someone Ray had been talking to owned a condo just outside of the campus, and had a lot of spare room. He happily volunteered to have it at his place. Again, probably just because it was going to be a Halloween party too... but hey, I wasn't complaining. It sure beat throwing a party in a cramped dorm room that would surely result in noise complaints. 

Ray had also talked with Mikey, who happily agreed with the idea of the party. So a few days before, we met up to discuss it. The three of us sat around mine and Ray's dorm room, having Ray present the plan for the night.

"So, drinks and food are all taken care of... we have a total of 14 guests...that is if all of them show, of course. Hmm, we have the location set in stone too... I think everything has been taken care of!"

Mikey and I clapped in excitement when he finished talking, and Mikey was quick to jump in and thank him, "Ray this is awesome! I appreciate you helping put this all together for Frank and I."

Ray smiled possibly a bit too wide, "Oh it was nothing! I just wanted it to be a special day for you two".

"Oh, by the way," Mikey perked up, "I wanted to ask if Gerard was invited? I'm assuming he would be considering he's my brother and Frank's practically dating him, but you guys didn't mention him as part of the 14 people I don't think..."

Ray immediately looked to me, expecting me to answer, "Well uh, I think we're gonna leave him out of this one, if that's okay, Mikey," I nervously laughed. 

"Wait really? Why? Did you guys get into a fight or something?"

I glanced over at Ray, hoping he'd assist me in explaining this situation to Mikey, but sadly, he only turned away. I'm sure he thought my excuse was dumb. 

"I just don't want him to get upset, you know? He'd probably feel uncomfortable going to a party like that, so it's probably better if we don't mention it to him."

Mikey cocked his head at me, "Well, yeah that's true, but shouldn't we at least give him the choice? He'd probably be more upset if we didn't even tell him about the party. You don't want to hide it from him, do you?"

I bit my lip thinking about how I truly didn't want him there. I felt bad about it, but I needed this to just be people my age. I had to prove I wasn't a loser who only hung out with his teacher. Not to mention, I had lied to him about my plans already... I don't think I could turn back now. 

"I'd just rather we not tell him about it," I looked to the floor somewhat shamefully.

Mikey exchanged glances with Ray before nodding his head, "Alright, if you think that's best, then I'll go along with it. This was originally your party after all. In this case, I just hope he doesn't find out about it then."

... A few days later ...

With a relieved sigh, I set down the last three jugs of two-liter pop bottles on the kitchen counter. Ray, Mikey, Ray's friend Bradford, and I were just about done setting up for the party. We made it over to Bradford's house, as he was the one who generously offered to host the party at his off-campus condo, and brought over all the supplies. We brought tons of pop, chips, and other snacks... But of course, "no alcohol was allowed" because of Ray and Mikey thinking it wasn't appropriate.

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