7 - Interrogation Time

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After mine and Ray's disagreement, I decided to get some fresh air. I suppose he did have a point. The more I thought about it, I remembered that Mikey was still a person, and as much as I just wanted to force him to tell me everything he knew about Professor Way, it wasn't the right thing for me to do. I guess I'd just have to find out the answers on my own, and risk the embarrassment it might cause me later.

I did have good intentions in regards to Ray though. Now that his secret was out, he never stopped talking about Mikey. Clearly, he was crushing on him big time. It'd be nice if the two got together in the end. Maybe it was best if I stayed out of it though. They could meet up on their own time.

I stayed outside for a while after that, giving Ray some more time to himself. It wasn't too busy out on campus, therefore it was fairly quiet and relaxing. I didn't mind just leaning up against the brick wall to the building and studying my shoes for a while.

Eventually, I heard some footsteps approaching the building and moved out of the doorway, assuming it was just a student heading back to their dorm room. I didn't pay any attention to them- it's not like I really knew anybody here yet anyways.

I was surprised though. I certainly wasn't expecting the person to say hello... and know my name.

"Oh hey again Frank," the familiar voice told me cheerfully.

I replied automatically with a simple, "hello" and glanced up to see who it was.

It was Mikey... out of all people, it was Mikey.

I watched him walk into the building without another word. Why was he going inside my dorm building? I knew that he didn't have a room in the same building as me- otherwise my whole argument with Ray could've been easily avoided. So why was he here? Unless...


Rushing inside, I returned to my room, where I found Ray and Mikey already talking in the doorway. I looked at Ray with disbelief, and he shot me a smirk in return. He had ended up calling Mikey after all... I definitely owed him one.

"Hey Frank," Ray acted surprised. "You made it just in time. Mikey and I were thinking about studying a bit together. Do you want to join us?"

Of course, I agreed.

The three of us ended up spreading out all of our school stuff onto the dorm floor and sat in a circle. Mikey and Ray started talking about their chemistry class, laughing about some nerdy joke Ray made. I did promise Ray that part of the deal was letting him hang out with Mikey for a while. So patiently, I pretended to scribble down important stuff for my classes as they droned on about who knows what.

Occasionally, they tried to include me in the conversation, but for the most part, I just let them go at it. Ray and I didn't have a whole lot in common, but got along fairly well. Mikey on the other hand was fucking boring. I swear, this guy probably entertained himself by watching paint dry. I couldn't see how him and Professor Way were related at all. I was glad I had met the better brother first. Ray really liked him though, so I suppose that's all the mattered...Well, and the fact that Mikey was my ticket to getting closer to my teacher.

Speaking of that, it had been almost half an hour. I was getting sick of sitting around, so while Mikey was occupied with solving a problem, I shot Ray a look, trying to signal him that his time with his crush was going to have to come to an end soon. It was getting late, and I was positive that the two of them were going to want to head to bed soon anyway.

Ray looked a bit disappointed, but still started put his stuff away, "Looks like I finished everything I needed to get done tonight. I might head to bed soon".

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