Episode 4: Meet & Greet pt. 3

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2nd POV

You walk through the open shutters and look at the golden statues, and you then try to open the fazgate, but to no avail, a few of the parents chuckled and told you that if you wanted to see Sun for yourself you might as well take the slide down, but as soon as they said that, the fazgate opened up and you walked through it, and jog downstairs to the big dual doors and knocked, and the first person you see open the door is...

A child who looked up at you curiously then giggled, "Mister Sun, there's a pretty person at the door!" They shouted to the bright animatronic who looked busy crafting with the kids, but then stopped what they were doing and skipped over to the two of you and you chuckled a bit and ruffled the kids' hair and looked up at the Sun himself, Sunrise! You look up at him, starting to feel very energetic around him and you smile at him, "Say, Sunrise do you need any help with taking care of any kids?" You question him, tilting your head a little to the side curiously, he blinked and suddenly started heating up, and nodded excitedly, as he gently picked up the kid that opened the door for you and opened it up even more for you to walk in, as you walked in, you decide to take a look around, and see that there is a security desk, but no daycare workers, so you decide to bring it up, "Hey Sunrise?"

"Oh? Yes, what is it my Sunflower?"

You "Well, I wanted to ask you where are the other workers that are supposed to help you are?" "Huh? Well... I don't know really, and they told me that they weren't supposed to help, only to do their job that's on the computer, but I keep hearing beeping noises and some pew pews all the time on those computers, and whenever something goes wrong, like a child hurting themselves by accident, I try to get them to help but t-then they snap at me a-and curse... while the CHILDREN WERE HERE CRYING AND NEEDED HELP-.
Ahem, s-sorry, sorry kids, those workers just grind my gears, and I mean it literally, but when the kids need bandages, I'm not allowed behind the s-security desk, it's not against code for Moondrop to go back there, but it is for me! This one time that I will never forget, I was playing hide-and-seek, and one of the children hid behind the desk, and when I asked a daycare worker, he pushed out the child. With. His. Foot. But I caught them when their knees were about to hit the ground, so they won't get carpet burned... afterward, I told the children to cover their ears, as I tried to curse them out, but stuck with threats, and one of the new workers thought nothing bad would happen if the lights went off, though I passed out soon, and after that, the new worker quit his job!"

He then put the kid down to play with the other children and the kid did just that, then Sun's voice became garbled, seemingly cursing the workers for doing such a shitty job and not helping him with the kids, and just because they're animatronics, doesn't mean that they don't deserve breaks too, they need to charge or else they'll power down!


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After having to calm down his garbled speech, he was once again overheating and stuttering causing the kids to giggle and point out that he has a crush on you, to which made you laugh a bit and hug him from the side, and if you had looked any closer at his milky white eyes, you would have seen the hearts shape out from his pupils like a cartoon character, and you, Sun, and the children play games like Candy land, tag, and then hide-and-seek, nothing bad was happening until one of the children accidentally pressed the Freddy button on the wall, and suddenly you heard a loud thump and some children being confused and scared, all of the children run to the back of the security desk and under the desk to hide themselves better, and you heard cracking coming from the back of the floating stage...

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