❤Introductions to the Characters❤

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Before we introduce the yanderes, I will say that Sun and Moon are separated as two animatronics.
Now may the intro of yanderes I think they would be in this commence!
(By the way during the progression of this story if I mess up their type, please tell me; I don't want to make anyone disappointed.)


Harmless Type Yandere

"As long as they are happy, I'm happy."

The most harmless type of yandere, the one where they have fallen in love in an unhealthy, obsessive way, but they don't do anything insane about it. They will try hard to become your lover, but won't harm anybody in the way. If you get into a relationship with someone, this type of yandere won't attack you two, they'll be happy you found happiness, but perhaps they may still hope that you'll choose them instead one day.

This can be associated with megadere or undere. Harmless type of yandere, who could also be one or two of these types and would not even come close to being a real yandere.

They can either be viewed as a crazy, obsessive version of a deredere or a sweet, loyal version of a yandere.


Obsessive Type Yandere

"I sent you 50 messages, why didn't you answer? Where were you? What were you doing?"

This type will try to learn everything about their love interests, including personal information, hobbies, routine, etc. They will send messages regularly to check on their love, asks why they haven't answered if they didn't, wants to know what they're doing always. And, if possible, walks around with them all the time as well.
The obsession type doesn't necessarily want to monopolize you. They'll let you hang around with friends, etc. but wants to know everything you do. They probably want to go with you, too. If they can't go somewhere with you, they might stalk you.
If they learn a person is too close to you, they might attack.


Roxanne Wolf
Removal Type Yandere

"You don't need other people. You have me."

They will remove everyone they think their love doesn't need, which means everyone else. This can include things like excluding their contacts and messages to even murdering everybody who approaches.
This type of yandere has two sub-types:
First, the one that removes people secretly. They see them hanging with someone, the next day that person has mysteriously disappeared. They, a main character, are probably as clueless as a sheet of sudoku in blank about this incident, and the next several incidents like it.
Second, the one that removes people openly. This also ranges from removing messages to killing people. They might be expecting their love to agree with them, "Yeah, you're right, I don't need other people", or they might just want to show them what they're capable of.


Monty Gator
Domestic Violence Type Yandere

Believing that if words don't work, stronger methods must be employed, they don't fear to smack their love interest or even hit or kick them a few times just like a tsundere would. But unlike a tsundere, they don't hit their love interest out of a lack of emotional self-control, or because they don't know what else to do, or to conceal their true feelings.

Domestic Violence yandere characters do so, having employed other methods, out of a belief that their relationship can be significantly improved as a result of that smack or a few punches or kicks.

With almost any physical contact being seen in our day as suspicious, if not grounds for social banishment, domestic violence yandere characters are seen as brutes and abusers. Unlike actually abusive spouses, domestic violence (again love type) yandere characters understand that they can't force their love interest to love them or force their love interest to change for the better for them. They chose to be violent to make the severity of the problem more apparent and to boost their love interests motivation in hopes of affecting change in their love interest. Failing this, they no longer have any motivation to be violent towards their love interest -- even if they continue the undesired behavior. There's nothing more that the domestic violence yandere can do. Their love interest either doesn't care about them, or needs help beyond their yandere's current capabilities.

They attempt to control their love interest through violence. They may even kill their love interest if they become upset enough or when they feel betrayed by the love interest. Unlike tsundere characters, they aren't just interested in hitting or kicking out of a lack of emotional self-control, or because they don't know what else to do, or to conceal their true feelings. They want power.


Wrong Idea Yandere

"They gave me an eraser... this must mean they love me!"

They get the wrong idea when something is done in order to match their expectations. If you say you don't love them, they'll think you're lying because you don't want to hurt them. If you do something out of kindness to them, they'll think it's out of love.


Loneliness Induction Type

"Shhh... it's ok. I'm here. You don't need anyone else. You can just count on me."

They will make, induce, you to feel or be alone. By spreading malicious rumors about you that make others alienate you, by murdering your friends and family, etc. Then they'll jump in and present themselves as the only one you can count on when you're most fragile mentally and in need of company.

Inducing things that don't make you feel lonely but give some sort of mental damage, trauma, also count as this type. Conversely, if your friends and family get killed on their own and you're alone but they have nothing to do with it, it's not the same thing since they didn't induce it, although a yandere might abuse your condition to get closer to you.

This type is similar to the "dependence" type, except it's not what the yandere can do for you, it's what you can do for the yandere.



Not yandere in the story
But he will be your sassy overprotective "son".


This hoe is just getting tired of your nonsense.


This giant spider man would squash anybody who treated you horribly in any way!

I feel he would be either Removal or Obsessive, but go ahead and choose

Removal Type Yandere


Obsessive Type Yandere


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