Limited outdoor comfort

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"That was close" he chuckled, looking up at her and pausing with confusion at her wide eyed stare at him, an expression on her face he hadn't seen before but for some reason wanted to savour.

Before he could, something dragged her attention- the rushing of water a few yards from them.

Her face lit up, all nerves and blush in her body from basically straddling her best friend whose abs had just made her stomach go on a rollercoaster were replaced by that adventurous lust she dragged them up this hike for.

"It's here! I knew it was here!" She exclaimed, scrambling off him and not quite realising where her hands were going as she brushed just below his belt, making him squirm slightly in shock as she rolled off of him without a second thought of how close their bodies just were- Morgan on the other hand now fully aware as he led there and felt a confusingly blushed panic in his chest that Darling had moments before.

"Quick! It's over here!" She smiled over her shoulder as she rushed towards the water through the thickly soft trees and luscious greenery, a perk in her voice that was enough to erupt a smile from Morgan's lips and distract him from the tingling of his body strangely missing hers slumped on his.

"You're acting as if the water will run away if we turn our backs on it" he chuckled, pushing himself to his feet and walking through the bushes to the clearing he was almost taken aback by its beauty had it not been something else catching his eye.

The roaring but somehow peaceful stream of water from the upper rocks into the large spring of cool water illuminated below by the pink glow of the fiery sunset and tranquil surrounding of hidden green disguising the blue was nothing compared to where his eyes fell.

Darling was kicking off her shoes, her long wavy blonde locks draped down her back as she let it down from the clip she had it up in all day- falling on her now just bra strap as she suddenly whipped off her oversized white-shirt that had been tucked into a pair of blue wide legged, high waisted shorts that had large winking purple and orange daisy flowers on each of the back pockets, her bright orange silk and lace bra now exposed as she threw her shirt to the side and started unbuttoning her shorts with excitement at the water.

"Jesus Christ Darl- give a guy a warning before you strip-" Morgan quickly turned before he could let himself stare at his best friend he wasn't sure when had started looking like that, but it certainly wasn't how looked when they were kids.

Her freckle speckled skin was now sun-kissed and tan in a way he could describe as 'beautifully happy,' her blonde hair waved and styled constantly now freely caressing her body that he wasn't sure if he had ever let himself notice before.

"You've seen me in swimwear before you silly goose, it's the same thing" she laughed as he turned back to her, hiding his gulp at how she threw caution to the wind when she was filled with the urge to jump in the water.

This is most certainly not the same as that... not with how you look now... not when you look like that...

He fought the confusing thoughts in his head as he took in the way her waist tapered in and then curved out with the curves of her wider hips that dipped in and then out slightly in the extension to her strong thighs and round behind that filled out her shorts perfectly and made him him unsure why he had the urge to look at now more so than to look at the pattern on said shorts which he realised all too late were being also thrown to the side as she turned back to the water, exposing the high waisted lavender lace underwear that he was confused as to why he thought it sat in all the right places on her.

Her sharp collarbones gleamed as she looked over her shoulder at him with a chuckle, seemingly forgetting she was mostly naked other than a pair of underwear and her bra.

Darling deception- a criminal minds fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora