Chapter 4: King with Two Crowns

Start from the beginning

'Too easy, something is definitely off, no alarms and nobody in sight' John thought, slightly uneased.

Walking through the hallways he noticed a lack of visible cameras, and to be honest, he did not care if he was being watched because his intuition told him that they already knew he was coming. He kept opening random doors hoping to see anything that looked like a computer but to no avail, until he came across a large, open, presentation type room. The room had many rows of terminals, which was great for John, but it reminded him of a place you would have a meeting in on a big screen. This confused him, why would this be here, and what continued to bother him even more so now was where was literally anyone.

'Not even a janitor, there is simply nobody here!" John thought to himself again anxiously.

'Okay, I found a spot to plug in, I'll resume contact with Adrion and Isen now' John continued.

"Listen, you guys are gonna have to move even quicker than expected, this place is completely empty from what I've seen. No cameras, no security, hell not even a cleaning crew!" John reported.

"It should only take a few minutes to upload us into their system. When we tell you, remove the chip and we can find information on this place and their whereabouts" Isen told John.

Plugging in the USB, John had to now wait. He decided to leave the chip until it was done and look around the facility more. Leaving the room he took a series of random turns, not really knowing where he was going, but with the intention to learn more about what he was up against. John didn't necessarily have a bad feeling like he was in major danger, but he could tell he was in a trap. Whoever captured Remi and Blyke were not playing around, this was evident by Volcan, and the ominous facility not on the map, now he was merely waiting for the enemy to strike.

Turning another corner John came across something that reinforced his earlier observations of the facility... a detention center. he hadn't heard anything from Adrion and Isen yet, which was strange since he had been gone for more than a few minutes. John decided to walk through the hall of cells and try and find Remi and Blyke himself utilizing Isen's Hunter ability to locate any individuals who might be present.

Lo and behold, John located two people who were in the same cell, but nobody else. He picked up the pace and arrived at the room.

'It's too late for caution now' John said to himself before smashing the door in front of him with a breaching kick.

Once John entered he let out a short sigh seeing both Remi, and Blyke, tied up and unconscious. Although they were not bleeding, they looked like they had been through hell as they were littered with scratches and burn marks as well as their clothes being shredded where they were struck. Throwing them both onto his shoulders he left the cell and ran to the terminal room. As John approached the room he heard static coming through the ear piece he used to communicate with. Once he entered the room the static had subsided enough to let him hear what was coming through.

"JOHN! JOHN! CAN YOU HEAR ME!" Shouted Isen.

"Yeah, did the chip finish uploading you guys? I took a look around after I plugged it in and came across a detention center, I've recovered both Blyke and Remi" John responded.

"THANK GOD! But you NEED to leave NOW! You were right it was a trap, our signal was jammed when you left the room. We can only assume someone is on their way to confront you now" Adrion informed John.

"Already on it. I grabbed the chip and smashed the terminal it was in while you were talking. I'm on my way out now" John replied.

"Hurry!" Isen urged John.

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