The villain once more gives Dick a sick grin. He waves his hand and calls forth a monstrous beast to pound in the wayward student. The creature barely looked at Dick before charging. It swings it's rippling arms at speeds that should not be humanly possible, scaring one even as experienced as Dick. He would die or at the very least break his spine if one of those hit him head on. The black mass grew closer and more details emerged. With its ripping muscles and obsidian skin covered in splattering of what could only be blood Dick felt his own thrum in his body; electrified, adrenaline pumping.

Aizawa gave a shout of fear which soon cut off to be a cry of pain. With a desperate glance back at his teacher Dick saw the man's head being bashed in by the hand man. Dick watched as the blood slowly dripped down from the blooming hole on the hero's temple; strangely fascinated. It was not the first time he had seen such a thing and it most certainly would not be the last, yet it would be one that lasted. Dick made eye contact with his teacher; the man's eyes were wide and crazed, tainted with worries. They portrayed an emotion that Dick could read easily. It was the same one his parents gave him just before they fell and the same one Bruce would give him when the odds became too great. Run, Leave. Dick, however, rarely did what he was told and simply comprised. Dick nimbly dodged out of the way of an offending attack from the humanoid creature. Bouncing on the balls of his feet as he dances around the big ugly thing. Honestly, this creature makes Killer Croc look hot. The beast counited its assault on the teen. It threw punches at speeds even Dick was having trouble dodging out of the way and he was a person who grew up with a speedster as his best friend. A fist would swing left then the same fist would switch to an uppercut in the blink of an eye, nearly taking Dick's head clean off from his body. He could feel the wisps of his hair being blown back with the closeness of the fists yet with all his Grayson grace Dick continue to dodge; never did he receive more than a glancing blow.

Hand man, who still contained Eraser firmly within his grasp, appeared to be getting annoyed. He shuffled from step to step before he finally snapped "Nomu!" screamed the blue haired villain, a crack in his voice as he orders the monster still attacking Dick. "Smash that hacker!" Nomu, loyal to a fault, complied. Dick couldn't help but smirk.

Nomu swung a wild fist straight down towards Dick at such speeds that the teen was worried his plan was more foolhardy than not, but that would imply it was not fool hearted in the beginning. The hand was like a cleaver; a bell struck on judgement day. The dark haired teen stood his ground, unlike his previous invasive maneuvers, he chose to stare what could very well be his demise in the face. He heard Aizawa give a pained grunt at such a choice.

The fist swung down breezing past Dick's face so close that if he titled his head even the slightest bit up his Grayson good looks would be no more. At the last moment, just before he could meet his demise, Dick gracefully flipped backwards. He lands on steady feet and internally flinches from such a reckless maneuver. That was too close for comfort yet it was successful as Nomu's hand was now trapped within the confines of the cracked cement. The monster threw its body weight back as it struggled against such casings and Dick seized his opportunity.

Dick swiftly, without hesitation ran upwards along Nomu's dark bungling arm. He moved with the motion of the creature's struggles as if it was a dance. He stepped between each vein and bone in sync with Nomu's movements as if they were his own. Twirling and whirling until he finally reached his destination. Nomu's exposed head was pulsing with adrenaline as Dick rose above it. The teen could already feel the scolding he would get from Aizawa. With his electrified escrima stick in hand, thick and comforting against his palm; only slightly sweaty. Dick raised his arms above his head. For a brief second the world was frozen. He struck down with devastating force right on top of Nomu's vulnerable organ. The monster gave a full body shudder and an ear piercing scream. Dick was pleasantly surprised. He had not been thrown twenty feet into the air, which was what he expected, maybe his plan wasn't as foul hearted as he first thought. He's played that game of violently-throw-me-in-the-air before and it unsurprisingly, did not make his top ten list. A yell of undaunted rage exploded throughout the plaza alerting not only Dick but all those who drew near of the bosses irate anger. He even saw a slim glimpse of a pale face hiding in the bushes. Of course the green bean ran straight towards the danger instead of away. The hand man drops Aizawa with a dull thud onto the unforgiving concert. The man gives a pained grunt but moves no more. Dick worries for his teacher. The man needs some serious medical attention yet Dick didn't let his worry show except for a brief flicker. Dick chose to instead give a smug grin at the villain's enraged face. In fact, Dick even took the liberty of blowing him a sweet little kiss. Hand man glares at Dick with such hatred that the teen thought the villain may actually be mad at him.

The surface that Dick was upon viciously shook and moved. The teen stumbled and instinctively launched onto the nearest surface available. Unfortunately that handhold was his downfall. Dick looked down just as the creature gave a violent cry of rage mimicking that of its master. The monster, awake once more violently, freed itself from the confinement of the cement and with its free hand grabbed the vulnerable pest upon its back. While shit, maybe his plan truly was foolhardy. With an unforgiving throw Dick is tossed into the air. He could feel the wind whistling by his ears as he awaits his inevitable fall. He felt his right shoulder crack first; his body soon to follow. His head snaps back from the force and a bright light flashes in front of his eyes. That's a concussion for sure. Is it bad that he knew the severity of it based on how loud of a sound it made? His body is already blossoming with pain. Dick is going to be bruised to hell and back for sure; oh how he despises recovery time.

Dick was in all sorts of stages of delirium as he lay there slumping below the wall of a mock building. His vision was exploding with colours and swirls that should not be seen by the human eyes. Not to mention how it looks like he was diving into pool water with how blurry his vision was. He starts to catalogue his hurts in all the ways Bruce taught him. First off his shoulder, which was pulsing like an angry drum in his nerves and a fire in his blood. It was definitely cracked. Next off, there is no doubt that the purple mottled skin of his back has taken over his normal scars. That was the least of his worries. What scared him the most was the concussion. Those were always a pain in the ass to deal with. One can never truly focus and not to mention the light kills. With weary eyes and an even more weary body he raises his head to gaze up. He expected to see the roof or maybe even those birds he always saw on cartoons but instead he met with one ugly mug. The Nomu stood tall as it towers above Dick. He could hear the manic laugh of the hand man in the background. The monster raises one great, meaty fist above Dick's head. The only thing he could think was 'why me' before he tenses for the blow. Dick could feel the wind rushing by as he closed his eyes against his unmovable fate, yet the blow he expected never arrived. Dick waits a good few moments believing his mind was merely giving him a sense of peace before the pain rains down yet when he cracks open his slatted eyes he sees a sight that he would much rather avoid. An imposing figure stood bravely in front of the creature and shielding Dick from view. Sat upon the figure's head were two strands of bunny like bangs. The figure was fashionably late like always. The one and only All Might.

Thank you so much for reading ! I apologize for the lateness. I had a difficult time writing this and the next chapter. Plus they're some of my longest ones. Thank you for sticking around !Dick truly is fool-hearted isn't he?Also the poor boi can't catch a break !I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you next time ! 


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