v 2.2

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"Does this work?" Louis asks as he peeks over his shoulder at Harry. He's split across his couch, nude with a thin blanket as the sunlight from midday pours into the living room. Across from him— not too far away, in a little chair— sits Harry, studying his body with an artist's eye as he gently and strategically glides a pencil across a blank piece of paper.

It's been two months since Louis found and helped Harry, and the two have been in touch frequently since. The alpha still came by the strip club every night Louis worked, he still drew while watching the omega's shows, and Louis has succumb to his curiosity now. With a promise to show Louis his full work, the omega has let Harry into his home once again to practice nude drawing outside of his class time.

"Im sure the models in the class are better suited for this, you know." Louis attempts to make small talk with the shy artist. "I mean, I know I have a great body for lines and stuff but I'm a performer not a model."

"You're natural." Harry whispers. "Everything is so... pretty about you."

Louis opens his mouth to answer back, but nothing comes out. Instead, he blushes and bites back a smile. He grips the blanket, and stares at the wall in front of him. "I heard this kind of thing isn't sexual for artists."

"That's true."

Louis looks back at him. "Do you find me sexy?"

The alpha stops his sketch, and stares at Louis. The omega waits for a few seconds, but Harry doesn't say anything. Slightly embarrassed, Louis turns back to the wall and hears Harry's pencil scribbling away again. With his confidence slightly humbled, the stripper says silent until her hears Harry close the sketchbook.

"Done?" Louis gets onto his knees, and stretches his hands above his head. "Don't forget to show me your work!"

He stands, but stops when he feels a heated body pressed against his back. Hot breath hits his ear, and he feels goosebumps spread across his entire body. He looks up at Harry, and takes a deep breath as the alpha fills the space with his pheromones.

"Uh," Louis mumbles as he tries to calm himself down, "listen..."

"It's not very professional of me to sexualize you, or your body." Harry mumbles, and Louis feels the alpha's hands caress his sides before falling onto his hips. "However, I won't pass up on an offer if you're making one."

The omega clicks his tongue, and reaches back to grab Harry's shirt. "I can't be the only one naked."

Within minutes, Harry isn't only stripped down but they're also heavily making out on the omega's couch. The alpha is on top of him, the blanket scattered across their bodies, and Louis moans as Harry humps him. He wraps his legs around the alpha's waist, and scratches his back.

"What're you doing?" Louis mumbles when he feels two fingers rubbing his hole instead of the tip of a dick. "I'm stretched just fine so put it in."

Harry pulls back to look at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"What?" Louis pants. "I had sex a few days ago. Don't worry, I'm clean."

"That's not— I mean, yeah, that's important, but that's not my point." Harry frowns. "You can't just indulge in the foreplay?"

The omega rolls his eyes before knocking Harry onto the ground. He collects the blanket, and walks to the hall. "The condoms are in the bedroom. Either you follow me and fuck me till tomorrow morning, or you get dressed and leave."

He leaves a stunned Harry on the living room floor, greatly hoping that he doesn't choose the second option. Like many single omegas his age, Louis is promiscuous. He has standards, and practices safe sex, but it can throw a lot of alphas off when they find out his body count. Most times, the insults don't bother him but if Harry were to call him a slut or disappointment...

He drops the blanket when he gets to the bed, and opens the top drawer of his nightstand. He can sense Harry entering the room, but lets the alpha approach him and wrap him up in a warm embrace. Harry scents his neck, and presses him into the bed just as the omega manages to grab a handful of condoms.

"So, you fucked a lot of people." Harry mumbles, and rubs his dick between Louis' cheeks. The omega moans, and lifts his hips. "That's some added pressure, but I'm sure I can beat them."

"What're you—?" Louis chokes when two fingers get stuffed into his mouth, and a condom is snatched from his grip.

"Next time," the omega hears the wrapper rip open as Harry hovers over him, "we're doing it my way."

With that promise, a heavy and large dick is slammed into him as the the alpha mounts him. Louis screams, and chomps down on Harry's fingers as his fingers grip the covers. Fuck, he thinks, maybe I did need the prep.

"Prepped, my ass." Harry grumbles, and pulls out only to slowly push back in. His free hand palms Louis' lower back, and he tries to keep his sanity. The omega smacks his hands away, and looks over his shoulder as he moves his hips.

"Harder." Louis swallows. "I like it rough."

Harry pulls the hair at the nape of Louis' neck, and thrusts with more purpose. The omega drops his jaw, and moans loudly with the occasional scream when the alpha spanks him. He tries to remain as stable as possible, but Harry's harsh stroke knocks him onto his face. The alpha keeps him in that position, and curls over the omega's back so he can teeth at Louis' neck.

"There!" Louis rips at the covers. "I like it there!"

Like dogs in heat, they stay mounted together with their scents mixing to fill the room with the smell of cinnamon and vanilla. When Harry knots, making Louis cum, they roll onto their side.

"So?" Harry rests his chin on Louis' shoulder. The omega looks at him as the alpha reminds him  of an excited puppy wagging its tail.

"Wait for me outside the club tomorrow night." Louis mumbles.

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